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Friday, January 17

Chapter 1 of - a look in to the Accounts, Life, and Devices of Jay Ammon (iBook)

The Injured Bird - out on my own                                            in the streets of Los Angeles.
As the old saying goes, “if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.” In Los Angeles, in our generation, coming in to adulthood amidst a seething somewhat maturity, we’d been hearing that line since we were children. All sorts of lines, in fact. Many of us arrived here from somewhere else, or some happenstance sort of lifestyle such that we were - that our parents were immigrants, or not, or that we were largely fraught with the spectre of a melting-pot metropolis of assimilation, due West, just a bit more than our suburban lifestyles had led us. That’s what I knew of Los Angeles. I was about 25 miles east of the epicenter of town that had (by now - 2020), become DTLA. Back then, it was about Hollywood. That’s where I reared my chops, as the story would go, as a failure of grad school at the University of California at Riverside. My professor told me that my aspirations, given my skillset, simply would not match up to the thesis project I had supposed of myself as being [manically] capable of enabling, in and of my means of creation, being a Music Composition Master of Arts student, in the year of 2005.
Aside from that, my instabilities, as a highly-endowed methamphetamine and cocaine user, in addition to my unbeknownst fallout of my college-years relationship were looming high above me. An iconic failure-to-be, of what my [aside-] entrepreneurial self had taught me were building blocks of character, in entrepreneurialism. That sort of Françoise romanticism was where the promise of the American Dream had hit me. For others, it was other things, of about town. For some, they could get by on cheap kitsch and slapstick maneuvers - a bitsy-step more distant, perhaps a bit more pragmatic, yet somewhat still leaning in to the notion of a narcissistic finery - one feature that delves deep in to the youth-minded psyche of our generation that came to fruition around the turn of the century.
Here, I had been taken in by a lover, (fast-forward a year and a half, given some rest, medication, a boxer’s fracture, yet I still had my car), and my parents’ still-supporting of me; luckily, I landed a girlfriend (to reiterate), and I successfully found a niche in a new marketplace: craigslist. New to me, anyways, for the most part. I felt like it was special. A vast frontier of freedom amidst the lackadaisical responsibilities of a small computers and tech section startup of a self-initiative founding sort - with a girlfriend? I set out to live what would turn out to be a life of ultimate-in-comfort, starting with a craigslist gig with a prominent Los Angeles photographer and filmmaker. Here (in this gig), I edited a photography shoot in to a YouTube video. Originally, with a Rolling Stone’s song as the backdrop, the video got a great deal of initial viewership, which I was proud of (40,000 hits, in about a week, or so). The video was taken down, due to YouTube’s copyright and Digital Rights policies, and the photographer had me come back to make a second and third video of his photography for him. He was also the one to get me in to an apartment on the West Side of Los Angeles, in Century City, just around the corner from the Century City Plaza shopping mall, right next to Ralph’s grocery. I paid $1,400 a month, and I was on my own. The girlfriend thing didn’t last long; we ended up getting in to spats, and we decided to call it quits.
The backdrop to all of this was that I was taken by the street scene that had been developing in the suburbs just off of Abbot Kinney in Venice Beach - the Shoreline Crips and a few other assorted characters were selling crack cocaine on the streets in small-batch pop-ups by night, and I was a most fond client of theirs. Back then, the narrow roads in a small perimeter, where they frequented, were backed up in lines of cars trailing down the streets. My girlfriend had chronic motion sickness, whenever she traveled in vehicles, so she didn’t come along with me. I would drive out, after days where I did my gigs on the computers and tech section.
James (the photographer who hired me for the craigslist gigs) opened up pouring faucets of the imagination, during the time that I knew him. He brought me on to one of his photography gigs, one day, where he had arranged a photoshoot with the (late) David Carradine, of television and motion picture fame.

This was my first introduction to Scientology, aside from having read the headlines on the tabloid newspapers when I was growing up. It was truly a fascinating experience, as the photoshoot took place at the Scientology Celebrity Center in Hollywood. Scientology would eventually weave its way deep in to my mind, once I hit age 30. Here, in the photo, I was in my mid-20’s. At the Scientology Celebrity Center in Hollywood, there had been two main facets of the location, at the time that I revisited it, which was, perhaps, in 2013. One of them is the mental health facet. Scientology is well-reknowned, in online literature, and also on its website, for denouncing anti-social behavioral disorders and abuses in psychiatry, as well as for their personality tests.

These are the results of my personality test from the Scientology website. I was invited to come in to the local Scientology Center to have a personal evaluation on the next morning. That’s my day for tomorrow. It’s out towards the beach, so I suppose I’ll have a beach day of it.


So, I did it. I went to the Inglewood Church of Scientology, and I met with a man named Raymond, who spoke with me about my test results. While I was in the lobby waiting for him, I was introduced, [via television] to the network, and to various shows and clips that the network had produced; apparently available on cable. The stuff was compelling, modern, and flashy, but not gaudy or overtly religious, from what I could remember.

And then I left. I didn’t have any money to purchase the Scientology Dianetics book, although I was strongly urged to. I was automatically scheduled to show up at the Scientology Church, and I felt like it would be a novel and relevant aspect of writing, here, since I was mentioning Scientology in various degrees, and early on, in my writing. At this juncture, of where and when we exist, here, in space and time; the year 2020: our childhood youths happened in the 80’s. Many of us, in Los Angeles, and, ostensibly likely, as well, in any likewise metropolis outskirts suburban surrounding area, thereof, we had the tabloids, where controversial things would happen to and from and of by Scientology and Scientologists.
In our early university years, Scientology was largely framed by figures such as Tom Cruise (of many feature films’ fame, and Katie Holmes (of a popular teen’s weekly show,[Dawson’s Creek]). Here, in the post 2000 era, when a person such as myself had split off from my childhood upbringing, in which my Cantonese mother had shunned these tabloids, popular culture, cable television, and the entire set of lifestyles like it; I had lived that life out, as mostly sheltered from it, yet I found a youthful rebellion in pseudo ‘darkness’ of Norwegian Black Metal, which was somewhat Classical music progressions of a relentless and dramatic theatrics nature.
I was raised Christian (trying to tie it all together, somehow), and innately so. I was not really some portrayal of that which had attracted me about counter and sub-popular cultures. I took a lot of it in, however. The world of psychedelics and speed attracted me, significantly. I had a healthy set of friendships with my counter-culture (for lack of a more modern term) - friends | peers, I would say, at this point, in that I had been reasonably well-socialized: I had a couple of girlfriends during those years prior to university; it was etc. common fare dating of backyard parties and kegger-type partygoers who all had (probably) some likewise similar dynamic of a lifestyle in high school years such that I did, as well.
Not that I mostly ever really found out about stuff like that. I never really caught up with people on Facebook. I somewhat just presumed that people who were patronizing the same scene and hanging out around us had some of our common and base-level behaviors. I would [seem to] discover these things much later in life, as I developed schizophrenia, [still trying to tie it all in together - which these things ostensibly do, in Scientology, which deals with mental health and psychiatry]. On some level, it would rack the mind to try to comprehend the intricacies and, as well, to access the magnitudes and felicitudes

} › felicitude
felicitude - Word in Context
... to those who were in the midst of the sordid round of tasks or the dull, heavy grind of poverty, of a felicitude that knew neither hunger, fear, nor pain; it offered a heaven forever to those who could endure a hell for a ...

Okay. Felicity means ‘intense happiness.’ Kind of like a beautiful Valentine’s Day celebration, when everything goes right. [cue the photo]. - ° | • • • ?  Bwippsy-cat?

Okay. Maybe.

But the photo is pretty compelling, to go with it. I find that novelty [full-stop; insert there] - (as a recycler), I find. . . that novelty is one of the seeking and needful behaviors fulfilled by such-named activity as recyclables collection, out and about, in the metropolis, as it pays, in various locales of America, and it suits it - the lifestyle; the novelty, the degradation of digging in the trash - for a certain type: ‘not so much, so’ - I figure people would say, if they who are them who are ones who are in and about:  of  ‘the business.’

Because it is a business.

On one hand. There are professional recycling centers that are operated by licensed and certified individuals who form businesses. Then, there are the recyclables collectors, ... etc. etc. various sorts and forms, although the path is ostensibly the same.

- not true.

Even within the sub-form of recyclables collector, there is some room for variety. There’s the ones who pull up at the recycling center, and who could understand where they had gotten all of those recyclables? [not my sort]. Perhaps it was a sporting event. I’d come to discover that some people list these things in the ‘free’ section on craigslist.

Much another forum and meeting place for a discourse on novelty. Of timeliness? That’s forum, short-form, written up. It’s important to incorporate rhythm in to the concept of novelty, sentence structure, regularity, expectation, and resolution of the listener’s expectations.

In this case, though, it’s [perhaps], (and, most likely) [as well] literature, so obv- oh-bee-vee it’s most ostensibly going to be read, although - . .  .

< • ,^ ° >

In these days of turned-up nose-cat, there’s liable to be some people sporting the accessibility feature of text-to-speech reading, which is novelty, in and of its own, that it comes into light, as such that reiterating the point, when a typical becomes particular; novel, sometimes, and for effect, the participle, of a reiterative form [and not even going back, to check grammar], we somewhat just trust that it’s right, and somehow, the money keeps coming.


It’s a psychological tool of novelty - recycling is, and as well, as is thumb-and-thumb 2-finger typing; essentially what aught be a symmetric and viable form, in that it ought be balanced, and well, in its form, in addition to being ostensible;

Just for trivia, I’m using the iPad, going on several pages, for now, in the keyboard of AZERTY, for the sake of my affinities for it, and I find it more elegant.

That sort of thing happens for a recycling (recyclables): ahem, collector. Not that it’s always so elegant, but that’s somewhat the consequence of what and why, but how? That’s somewhat the mystery of the schizophrenic mind, of which, perhaps, Scientology does some sue discourse, thereupon, yet I’ve not discovered it, as of yet. I can but of only just briefly contextualize upon the topic and religion.

Even that was a contextually novel thing to believe, or to say.

On one hand, the fluff of contextualization somewhat bwipps up some fluff about contextually relevant au par truthful, given the span of time that someone could hope to be paying attention to something. Sometimes, a difficult and much-bereaved task to endeavor that someone could muster, in and of their own spatial-consciousness, which typically, on its own, is contextually... I suppose, . . .

Okay. Easily forgettable. But a novelty will stick around for a much more memorable section of time. Such as a cigarette butt. Gross, some people would ostensibly think, but then, it was almost as if everyone had become only some people, for the sake of that the cigarette butt is like, everything - to the novelty seeker.

Actually, it was in Data Science - that I had rehashed, in my imagination, the sake of the word, and its terminology and ostensible rhetoric usage, in commonality, such that a researcher < NAME HERE > had properly mentioned it had been included in a study.

I remember it fondly. It happened on Twitter. One other endless fountain-eous ‘mon-tableau;’ contextually, here, seemingly a luxuriant thing, to consider, but now, in the scope of science, given technology - it’s a much-customizable user profile and interface such that a tableau could be considerably contextual mockup noms-nom of selectively tasty-pidgin selective of dry goods and used | new electronics, given släde.

But then,  . . . some people would, perhaps take issue and continue compounding upon the topic at hand.

[yeah, right],

But then, perhaps, someone would remember the context, given tableau, mockup au française, and the futility of maintaining attention-span, for the sake of  ‘’whatever.’

Okay. Done.

Here's the image muah!

By Jay Ammon
Check out the Valentine’s Day theme on this time lapse!

(I don't have the attribution data for the Twitter reference, yet).

Thursday, January 16

Les pigeonnes sur lé lycée françoise project in development on Behance.

Check out the latest work I’ve done on Behance:

Personal updates as of: the web and technology (and some just personal).

Apple Maps’ Look Around feature has landed in Los Angeles, and it works beautifully.

The similarity of the Apple Maps feature to Google’s Street View is fairly succinct. I’d say that they’re about equal. Here’s a look at the outside of my home, via the Apple Maps app.

I’m in favor of supporting Apple Maps, and Apple Development efforts, in general, so this was a pleasing feature to see come to light, and I’m sure it will bode well with newer iOS and iPadOS users (perhaps watchOS as well). 

CapitalOne provides great deals (comparatively) after establishing credit with ‘credit builder’ credit cards, (and the credit building happened quickly!). 

I commonly check my credit on Recently, I applied for credit with, an online retailer of multitudes of goods. Somewhat a drop-shipper, and I applied for a credit card with First Premier Bank. I was approved for $300 and $500, respectively. Since then, I purchased my 2019 model 7th generation iPad 128 GB device on the First Premier credit card. I made the first month’s payment on the card, and now my credit scores have increased. 

This time around, when I logged in, I was offered a CapitalOne credit card. The backdrop to this was that I opened a CapitalOne 360 Savings account, which I was approved for. (I was declined for a checking account).

After I signed up and was approved for a CapitalOne 360 Performance Savings account, I went on to and signed up for the CapitalOne Platinum credit card. I was approved for $300 in credit. 

I’m not really worried about the APR. I’m much better at managing my finances, now that I’m Moore grown up. Back in my early adult ages, credit was a thing of much maniacal behavior and impulsive decisions. Now, I have bigger and better things to look forward to in life, such as an iPad Air.

My Nicotiana tabacum seedlings have sprouted. Hooray for a mild and early spring in South Los Angeles!

I’ve moved out of my old apartment, the nuclear watershed. It was getting gruesome with all of the cockroaches in there. I tried sprouting some seedlings back then, and the bugs always managed to sneak in and eat them, or the seeds just wouldn’t sprout, as I tried to sprout them, indoors. Here, I have a small space in the back of the driveway, and there’s a natural progression of daytime and night. The nights do get cold, but I figure that the Nicotiana plant is a a vari-some plant - it grows in tropical climates, such as Cuba, and it forges through the cold winters, and it sprouts in the later spring seasons of places such as New England. I’ll be glad to s see these young several varietals in to their leafing and flowering stages, and hopefully, after a series of hot months in the late spring, I’ll be set about in curing these plants for cigarette and cigar tobacco production, or maybe I’ll experimement with snuff tobacco manufacturing. 

Sunday, January 12

Basic tenets of most-effective executive functioning.

  1. Change happens gradually, and in stages. Significant changes in a work environment are typically foreshadowed from the initial moment of something seeming improper, and such things are unlikely to significantly match an executive’s current compendium of acquired ethics and assimilated behaviors. When things move too quickly, the mind reverts to a primitive state of fear-based reactions, rather than sound and logical reasoning about what, to proceed, would be most right.
  2. A task-handler does and works most effectively when assigned only a single task at a time, for the sake of simplicity. A simple 2-step packing process, for example, is made more of distractions when additional movements are demanded of the task-handler, like walking back and forth to obtain each package, individually. 
  3. When a 
  4. When a problem appears, stop; then attend to the problem by acknowledging the problem to the client while managing the solution on a help desk site, or by logically deconstructing the problem, processes, and foundations by which the problem exists. In the case in which the problem has exceeded all reason, it’s best to not overstay the failure. Simply gracefully exit if there is a need to attend to other affairs, and schedule some time to research the problem further, if resources merit it, and reschedule a solutions meeting, if possible. Leaving expectations unfulfilled is generally understood, on the smaller scales of small business. 
  5. Practice the arts and sciences that are endowed upon a business transaction - psychology, etiquette, conscientiousness, conversationality, efficiency, and tact. Dumping an emotional load on to a business relationship is a sure way to fail more certainly, at some point, rather than maintaining sustainability, which is obviously the more desirable outcome. 

Friday, January 10

I’m working at composing an iBook using iBooks Author and Pages.

As it turns out, I feel like writing has become more comfortable and fluid on the AZERTY keyboard of my iPadOS devices (now that I’ve picked up my holiday purchase of a 7th generation gold iPad from USC Village Target, and I’ve settled in, doing some updates on the device, here). The feedback of the text-to-speech works beautifully, and I can lean in to any position; in addition, as musicians would know, its a bit easier to be able to cheat by looking at the keyboard, not sticking to reading the music (piano players, at least).

The device, although, in several ways, simply marginal improvements over the 6th generation version, is a nicer aesthetic, with the thinner bezels on the side; and on this one, I’m riding bareback, at the moment. No cover or case for this one, right now.

For the weekend, I’m heading out to the Inglewood Scientology Center to get a personal evaluation on my Oxford 10 Personality Traits (currently) test and analysis of the results, of which test I took on account of the fact that I had taken it before; I’m older now, and I was in a better psychological and physiological position at the time I took the test, earlier this morning, and I’m doing some writing in my iBook which glosses over (actually, it’ll detail in significant degree, on second thought) - the experiences I had as a schizophrenic, the various characteristics of the experience, the aside stories, the paranoid plots I lived through, and some time-honored experiential insight and discussion of what it really was, and what it means, for myself, and as well, some thoughts on what it entails for others, as I’m targeting a modern-day mature reader audience, perhaps of parenting age of teenagers through young adults. It could be one of the few or only sources that touches on such psychiatric and mental health issues of its sort, at this point in time. I’d say that I haven’t read any literature such as what I intend to write, that is fully competent and capable in portraying the schizophrenic experience, to a large degree. I’m pretty impassioned about contributing to the book’s progress, little by little.

I’ll provide some updates when I get home 

Adobe is still offering discounted rates (January 10th, 2020) on their subscriptions.

Many of my readers would have known me from my old pirating days as a cracked software installation specialist on craigslist.

Since that time, I've been through a gauntlet of many forms of mistreatment through Scientology; I suppose, all in all, somewhat well-deserved. As the years have gone past, the voices and the punishments have subsided; in particular, as of late, some corollary bitsies of stalking from former peers has also subsided. A fortunate segway in to a path towards a new lifestyle - establishing my enterprise on completely ethically-founded and funded merits.

I had planned to get the Adobe Creative Cloud and several of Adobe's apps, from their Creative Cloud Suite, about a week ago, when I was working on my iMessages's Pigeons of Lé Lycée Français Pigeon Stickers app for the Apple iTunes App Store. I had to cancel my 7 day free trial before I received my iPad - my formative and fundamental tool for illustration design. (I'm still waiting on it to be processed at a local Target store). Despite this, I saw an offer, as I was cancelling my subscription, for the Creative Cloud Suite for $29.99 per month - a good discount from their annual monthly paid plan of $52.99 per month. This morning, I called Adobe Customer Service +1 (800) 585-0774. It was early in the morning, before 6 a.m. The customer care representative offered me an even better discount than the website offered - $19.99. I was elated to get such a generous discount under their education plan. In addition, he offered me a good faith gesture of 3 free months of subscription after the first month. All in all, an awesome deal.

Monday, January 6

Product Review - naztech 75W Ultra-Thin USB-C PD Laptop Power Bank

The naztech Ultra-Thin USB-C PD Laptop Power Bank is an ideal solution for powering an iPad Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, Microsoft Surface, Chromebook, or Google Pixelbook.

Not only does the power bank charge devices faster, with the Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 standard (green USB outlet); here, the device charges up to 3 devices at once, through two standard USB ports and a USB-C port, while also being able to charge the charger itself.

I decided to purchase this laptop power bank, in preparation for my pickup at Target of my new 2019 iPad 7th Generation. Having had a standard hand-sized mobile device charger previously (several various ones, actually), I decided to up my standards in mobile device charging against the 1% [barely there] charging that the smaller devices produced on my 6th generation iPad (now gone and traded, for my iMac 2010 model). The naztech Laptop Power Bank will power a USB-C port'ed phone of about 15% power bank battery to 30% phone charging. While it's not the most dense battery pack out there, it does it's job well, of working with efficiency if I'm able to stick nearby to where there's power outlets supplied, out and about, around town.
The naztech Ultra-Thin USB-C PD Laptop Power Bank is reasonably larger than a phone, by a fair amount, and thicker than a phone, at that. Despite having other cheaper options (I purchased it at Fry's Electronics for about $75, including sales tax), I'm counting on plotting out a lifestyle trekking habit of making sure I get home earlier and keep my charger plugged in, when I can, while also making sure that I get a more efficient charge, while I'm out and about. This way, I'll be more focused on working quickly, staying available with my devices, and not running out of juice when the time is important - a most unfortunate scenario, when I'm inspired in writing, photography, graphic design, illustration, studying, and research, etc.

The 45-watt wall charger charges the Laptop Power Bank very quickly; just minutes to get it up 10% or so. It's a bit of tricky psychology; while I'm not used to devices charging so quickly, it also makes me forget (somewhat), that it's just a battery, and my mobile production and development devices are constructed to use power efficiently, not as quickly as possible. I determined that the upgrade to a laptop-charging standard is a good idea; the smartphones of today have the capabilities (processor and RAM-wise) of computers such as my 2010 iMac have - a 3.2 GHz quad core processor and 512MB of VRAM; 2-3 GB of RAM on a recent release iPad or cheap Android phone, such as my ZTE Z971. The naztech charger promises 250% quicker charging than standard charging devices (running at 5W x 2.1-2.4 volts).

Update - In order to [now, working... <-<] install Homebrew package manager on macOS,

the user would first have to install the Homebrew-core repo:

🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
BSD-2-Clause license
Updated 1 hour ago
1 issue needs help

as such. 

I can rescind my former qualms about the authors' claims that a ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

would not have been sufficient. 

Steps that I took - 
  1. Create a public git key. 

    Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent ...

    After you've checked for existing SSH keys, you can generate a new SSH key to use for authentication, then add it to the ssh-agent.

    as I did for myself, as this: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

    you'll need to change the email address to your own, and add your own password.

    trivia - here's my generated ascii art image, which came with the key generation. I think it's cute.

    +---[RSA 4096]----+
    |    .o*oo        |
    |     =.=         |
    |  . o + .        |
    |   +   +    .    |
    |  ..+...S  o     |
    | ..+o=o...+ .    |
    |  =oo.E .o.= o   |
    |.=..o+  .o  =    |
    |++*=o. .o        |

  2. Clone the gitHub repository of Homebrew-core somewhat like this: git clone

  3. After installing those libraries, you'll surely, by now, want to play around with the original link for installing the "brew" command ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
In order to get the "brew" command fully working, you'll need to
check out the one with the Red / Yellow / Green Tags. 
5. Put the "brew" command in to the /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/bin/ folder. Use, (and get used to): the "shift + command + G" command [it lets you type, or copy and paste the folders you'd want to cd (change directory) in to.
from your /Users/(iMac - your name)/Downloads/homebrew-core-master/cmd/brew
(black exec {Terminal Executable} file)

to /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/bin/
as this photo shows.

pluuuUUppe. and dropped in there. it's done.
6. Next, you'll need to install glib. It's a general set of commands and libraries that you probably already have somewhere in your macOS, somewhere [<_ i="">but I figure that we might as well get it in from "brew" command.  

now you'll really see your Terminal start working.  

Just type in  

brew install glib 

into the Terminal. 

Check your /Cellar folder at 

( shift + command + G )

Now, you are pwn'ing of on: bwapp, with the directory changing command and your folders in columns view.
translated - cool stuff is happening in the Terminal, right?

7. Look at all the interesting stuff that's transpiring after brew install glib happens:

8. Pretty cool stuff. 


you can go in to the Homebrew Formulae website at and check out the thousands of repositories you might want to install (certainly not all of them, all on your own and by yourself; but some - that appeal to your strengths and interests).
ace6.5.7ADAPTIVE Communication Environment: OO network programming in C++
aces_container1.0.2Reference implementation of SMPTE ST2065-4
ack3.2.0Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
acme0.96.4Crossassembler for multiple environments
acmetool0.0.67Automatic certificate acquisition tool for ACME (Let's Encrypt)
acpica20191018OS-independent implementation of the ACPI specification
activemq5.15.11Apache ActiveMQ: powerful open source messaging server
activemq-cpp3.9.5C++ API for message brokers such as Apache ActiveMQ
adios22.5.0Next generation of ADIOS developed in the Exascale Computing Program
admesh0.98.4Processes triangulated solid meshes
adns1.5.1C/C++ resolver library and DNS resolver utilities

Thursday, January 2

Making ramen more special - with spices, meat slices, and canned sweet yams.

Ramen,  although cheap in the stores,  is also a highly celebrated Japanese form of socialization,  as one would come to understand for visiting DTLA's local corner locality of Little Tokyo at night.  Ramen is a common night out affair for the young adult crowd.

Given that,  restaurant-style ramen is significantly fancier than packaged ramen from the store.  Here,  I've assembled a tasty mock-up recipe of a beef ramen base - it includes thin beef slices and candied yams (canned). Don't use the whole can or two packages of ramen,  of anything like that.  It's a hearty enough meal,  in and of itself.

In addition,  other embellishments I made,  as far as spice-wise - these spices really do the dish bowl justice,  for a meal that otherwise is about a quarter per serving / meal.

The spices I had used were turmeric,  several shakes, dusting the top of the ramen while it cooks. Same with African Berbere, a slightly spicy and richly fragrant substitute for standard cayenne pepper (if still desired,  I recommend just a tiny pinch). The final spice ingredient I used in addition to the standard spice pack is grated dried ginger.

 I cooked the soup over the standard amount of water and some cooking oil.  It comes out great! Very tasty. 

Wednesday, January 1

An exciting start to a new year - plotting my macOS, iPadOS, mobile and development lifestyle budget and subscription allocations.

Having been a former shameless software pirate craigslist enterprise (2007-2012-ish), as well as DRM content torrent downloading aficionado, I must say, once again, for the record, that I fully encourage people who still refuse to pay for their content and app licensing, to become free of their bonds and debts due to the creators of works in digital - few could claim that the merits of the opposition would outsmart the big tech's legal, executive, administrative, surveillance, and counterintelligence departments, altogether. I sure got a Scientology hard time about it, for a significant run of 5 years, and more.

That being said, I now have a much more stringent and disciplined lifestyle (of tech, still) in that I am, in small measures and means, contributing and creating in small developmental tech, IoT, creative, and analytical projects, many; and much to the fulfillment of all hours of most days (of days that are well-to-do in productivity.

Here's what this month's budget for's January 2020 plans for the roadmap, affinity, and content distribution of efforts and capabilities will extend unto.

My calculated budget, given General Relief payment (welfare)
The details of my proposed budgeting for my creative, recreational, development, connectivity, and financials (credit and loans), subscriptions, Human Resources and outreach marketing, design, cloud platform, and MDM (Multi-Device Management) efforts. I have $221 to work with, starting on the 2nd of each month.

I was a bit torn, as to who, where and why I would [might] allocate this largest chunk of payment towards, here; being Adobe's Creative Cloud Suite offerings, at individual retail price of $52.99, versus a Jeux d'orgues virtual instrument pipe organ, a fine suite of offerings in this category, by Markus Sigg, who offers some of the sampled organ instruments for free. The larger spread of octaves and samples are for the paid apps.



The famous Jeux d'orgues 2 sampleset of Joseph Basquin (see ) is now available on the iPad and iPhone. Connect a MIDI keyboard or MIDI console to your device to play this sampleset of the Stiehr-Mockers organ located in Romanswiller, France. The app supports wireless MIDI, virtual MIDI, background operation and recording to WAV/M4A files. Visit the app support page for a detailed description of the app's features and to listen to some sound examples. An iPad 2 or later is recommended to get a decent polyphony, but the app can also be run on an iPad 1 with lower polyphony or sample rate. For usage on iPhone, we recommend the models with large screens.

For hearing sound examples of the app, please visit the support page .

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