iPigeon.institute blog: .ICU

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Showing posts with label .ICU. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1

Implementing Google Code Repository and Android Open Source libjpeg-turbo Aztec QR crypto barcodes in to a withGoogle SmallBusiness Physical IoT marketing campaign. (Production phase)

Google's Gerrit Code Repository libraries and build-kits are truly rich in resources that suit the needs of a modern ad hoc cloud development engineer | superadmin.

A word cloud based on one of my recent blog posts.

Similarly to how this word cloud is a design-edly deterministic creation, the libjpeg-turbo .webp format is also a transliterative implementation of some of the ICU standards of the "behind-the-scenes" stuff that slides in well with the latest standards still in place in modern day (cusp-of) 2019 - 2020 3rd quar-ternariannum rainy day post-Thanksgiving Day development-in-marketing efforts. 

Today's calling card and contact or directory information could resemble some sort of combination of effects (or artifacts) such as these. One, a fully encoded image, and the other, a more complex artifact; of a textual and addressing sort, along with some semantic imagery in the favicon inclusion in the center of the QR code; here, stylized in more ornate form by a different barcode maker app than one that I would typically have used. Many artisinal-breakout etymologies have sprung forth and made place on the internet for their various salient features, which are suggested by the Google Photo app's "Lens" feature, which is a graphical implementation of the Tensor flow machine learning code sets and mathematical instructions focused on deciphering and presenting research tables of anaologues developed out of backend research and analysis technical data that lies behind the coding for the user interface of the simple "Lens" feature in the Google Photos app, which resembles a square camera lens, in and of itself. 

The (unofficial) current Google Lens icon.

That being said, aside from stuff I did on the stuff mentioned in this blog over on my code uniformity and localization repository blog over at pidginKit.icu earlier, Google also (quite intelligently) had a great marketing slant at me on their SmallBusiness.withGoogle.com plans development tool in their suggestions today; with the peanut butter and jelly artifacts in the photo, and the 🍞 bread slices stacked so haphazardly, I had thought that they had somehow mined a similar ploy of semiotic relevance-perchance, at having a fascinating resource of seemingly autonomous machine intelligence behind their curatorship and care and affections placed in to their small business operator-engineers working to create the next generation of apps, services, and content for their users and marketing outreach.

The UI layout on this piece was so compelling that I thought it wasn't my photo, in the first place, to begin with 🚬🥤⚡🎯.

Monday, July 15

A Google Cloud Unix CLI (command-line interface) morning of appengine devlopment

An Aztec code from Barcode Generator of some of this morning's work.

I covered a lot of ground this past evening in mobile app development; namely for Actions on Google and/for Google Assistant. 

I'm proceeding faithfully quickly, with the graces of monthly data un-throttled bestowed upon my Alcatel TCL LX phone, only $40, and a great deal on processing power on mobile, from Target. 

target usc tcl lx from www.target.com

The TracFone Alcatel TCL LXgives you all the tools you need and fun features you want to help tackle your busy mobile life. ... With a camera that features includes Panorama mode, Time-lapse, HDR, Night Mode and Instant Collage TracFone Alcatel TCL LX Prepaid Smartphone.
In stock

It's pretty, slick, sturdy, and staunch; for the most part. I can't quite trawl through a textual transliterative « everything » 30+ WPM thumbsies quite all the time, but the device pulls through and it jaunts a faithful AppEngine 28-hour workday no problem.


↰ Google App Engine

What's the meaning of 28 instances hours mean in free limit section of pricing detail? Can i know what's the price for firebase cloud messaging?
5/26/16Lim Ta Sheng
What's the meaning of 28 instances hours mean in free limit section of pricing detail?   Can i know what's the price for firebase cloud messaging? 
5/26/16Kamran (Google Cloud Support)

Hello Lim,

Based on your message, I understand that you want to know the meaning of instance-hours in the App Engine pricing section of this articleIf so, I suggest visiting this thread on serverfault.com where my colleague posted an answer to a similar question. You can also visit this article for more detail information:

Instances running in manual and basic scaling services are billed at hourly rates based on uptime. Billing begins when an instance starts and ends fifteen minutes after a manual instance shuts down or fifteen minutes after a basic instance has finished processing its last request. 


Aside from all that, I got my Pigeon Trivia little Google Assistant game show up in the Google Assistant Directory; hopefully it'll stand to remain in the catalog with some more astute development hours put in to it.

These are some photos of common pages I've been scrumming through to work out the development workflow. It's a massive undertaking of knowledge base.

The Google Cloud Unix Bash Shell Command-Line Interface

The Pigeon Trivia Google Assistant Actions Trivia Game Simulator.

The Google Application Programming Interface[s] catalog.

The Google Cloud Platform Retina App Logo

One of my pigeon App logos, from ink brush illustration. 

One of the internal Google Cloud Platform User Interface icon logos.

Here's my Google Assistant Action in the Google Assistant Directory. With luck, I'll be granted a pass with the work on development I've done on this and be given some monthly credits and a T-Shirt from the Google Assistant team!
Another Aztec encoding of the .webp format and protocol description itself; utilized in the Google Cloud Data Labeling API.

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Baby pigeon’s first day out with the flock. (LAPL Central Branch).

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