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Showing posts with label gig job economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gig job economy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16

The Rise of Social Work Policy Implementation in Los Angeles, CA, USA in the 2020’s.

 Some people may have been left wondering: 

What happened to things, in the way that they used to be handled? 

All of a sudden, acts and behaviors that used to seem unthinkable; distant from the perceiver, separate, as that such things would seem to fall into and encompass other people’s lives, rather than our own, become, by various means of introduction, induction, and casualty, therein, more familiarized, with more personal relevance, proximity-wise, and with threatening impact upon the subject’s personal sense of security and risk potential. Increased risk upsets former plans, aspirations, and partitioning of resources of a person, caught unaware. 

In Los Angeles, California, USA, we are considered to be a melting pot societal destination and lifestyle of culture afforded to us. The types of threats that seemed further away and separate from our lives are perhaps calculated out in risk-aversion methods, such as various forms of purchasable insurance policies, as far as that a generalized consumer solution could be imagined. The sorts of endowments afforded by such measures are significant: therapies, of various academic, professional, or medical licensure, degree, or certification - for example, are some of the benefits that are more easily within reach, given various forms of archetypal, or “standardized,” (professional, for example) upbringings, or lifestyles, given that work benefits such as private medical coverage are included, subsidized, or incentivized, as part of an employment package. Growing up as I had, I had medical insurance benefits that saw to it that I received orthopedic work, dentistry, and mental health therapy and psychiatric oversight, as the most prominent needs that were accommodated during my childhood. 

Despite this, nothing could have prepared me (as I’d “put it,” off-handedly), for the onset of schizophrenia in my life. It hit me like a traumatic, persecutors shock experience, with none of the perpetrators owning up to the fact that they had ever -and continue forth, in committing towards me, as well as my loved ones; even casual and professional network connections and contacts - to this very day. The corollary to this stand-off(-esque) claim about these “others” is that they “do” admit to doing these sorts of things (such as “being” the voices in my head), yet the whole dilemma and drama about anything to speak of, whatsoever, happens - yet even still: as voices in my head. In person, these people would never admit to doing these things that they find to be characteristic of conflicting attitudes and behaviors; even defiant and oppositional - on one hand, the people “do” realize that their acts are, at these problematic episodes, at issue: shameful, spiteful, cowardly, bold, and fearless, however intermittent and unsustainable these feats of grandiosity and delusion may be. On the other hand, the characteristically borderline personality disorder and anti-social traits of the behaviors are denied, in to indefinite extents, unto life, still to come. It’s a primary shortcoming of character such that is deemed to be one of the hallmarks of a failure, in the contexts and standards of the 12 Steps literature of recovery, self-help, and sobriety.

The voices had begun in the week, or so - in particular, leading up to September of 2012, and for the days beginning the month. I quickly became ensued in a cruel, militaristically styled, public-shaming sort of forum and by-and-large witch-hunt sort of atmosphere and thematic emblems of figurative form and composition, as far as what construed the content of the voices I was subjected to. It sounded like a dramatic, real-life exposé of network news personalities, talk show programming public figures, as well as what seemed like viable “actual” civil servant authorities - all taking jabs, by and large, offering negative conditioning, as the defining folly of man that was come to be celebrated, and practiced - myself, fairly much illiterate in this sort of conjectural drama and persona - whereby, since then, I’d become an intermittent Twitter demagogue, bordering upon a technological golden age’s banner flop-job; a court’s jester, of sorts, where abuse had become the new standard of interaction (attempts), defilements and ever-higher stacks upon brinksmanship, in displays of irreverent and unproductive flouting of the people’s common ego, and observation-participant thresholds of standards of acceptability were pushed to unexpected limits, and beyond, at times, for the fact of the matter of that, in many cases, the wins and gains were short-sighted, and cheaply won, being that men were made better, by those better than them, through the machinery at use, in these cases, and few people had much of anything of a long-standing intelligence to be gained, or admired, about these sorts of “stand-off” situations, as I’d put it, before, whereas I was more well-founded upon trying to eke out a better self, of some sort, that had peeked through the hours of neglect, abandonment, and disregard, and little by little, I embodied the better traits of men and women who treated me properly, and appropriately, regardless of the tone of voice, or authoritativeness that would be construed, from such a sort of treatment. 

That being said, the backdrop to the hysteria and paranoid establishments that had embedded themselves, with subversion at the forefront of design, and sometimes, with malicious and reckless blind-sighted goals, of a slapstick nature, as less well-intentioned, less skilled, or less educated people took the helm of controlling my mind, at times, seemingly also of that I was being observed by numerous, unspoken others, of any and all types of relations, in life, was well-provisioned, in the nearly-popular culture literature and publications, of news media, and of the blogosphere - I’d suppose that esoteric topics have their place in time, for many, or several - at least, different types of odd and obscure minds, and this moment happened to include me, as one of these monstrousity-victimized, problematic sorts - hyped up in the news articles and publications of the time, as symbolic forms and archetypes, such as the Monarch, or the butterfly - something like that. There was extensive “cult” literature, to that effect, that somewhat expounded upon the then-more “secret,” less-well disseminated information and documents (until this point in time - it was a point in time of intrigue and exposure of formerly classified programs and documentation - with the age of the internet coming of age, of sorts, and with people’s minds, in the digital world, having become curious as for solutions and answers in life, with regards to psychology and identity typology kinds of distinction; forensics, semiotics, and persona errata being valuable subjects of inquiry and discovery, for the young millennial generation). 

At some point, long story short, (I’d documented it, largely, on my Twitter and Facebook accounts “back then,” the madness and criminality that had consumed my life, post-onset of positive schizophrenic diagnostic criteria (2012) - caught up with me, and I’d failed in life, in terms of a more material consequence that had overcome me - various incidents and episodes of incarceration, probation, involuntary hospitalizations. I’d said that it constituted failure, perhaps mostly as my experience of these times spent removed from society, on account of that so much of my life was fulfilled and better accommodated in the form of technology, the internet, and through devices that I’d used, over the years. A recurrent theme of my persecutors was that I’d lived a life too rich, too young, and too familiar and relative to themselves; whereas I’d neglected them, or abandoned them, or at least the claim, thereof, whereas I was an oblivious, and criminally incompetent, “cad,” as I’m sometimes currently called. 

In any case, the issue of politics, of the lower and lesser social classes, of a proximity fallacy of presuming that being physically nearby an event supposes that it’s also more primarily significant, impactful, or important - some or one or all of these traits, about the situation; is it me? Is it us? What’s so important, somehow? Who really cares? Who really knows? Who isn’t somewhat similar, at least in some contextual expanse, of a topic subject… is this moment the defining moment of creation, itself? For some humor-infused, turn’t up “cadres” of “guys,” or “people,” (although the problematic people, for me, are commonly guys, but here and there, some women seem to have a problem with me, or about me), it appears to be the case, as that the thread about this paranoid schizophrenic positive symptoms diagnostics thing pops up, in the forefront of my mind, as that sometimes, women are known to henpeck, and be gossipy, behind my back. I’ve tried peeking, to see if people are actually talking about me - on one hand, the concept and notion of it “exists,” per se - it is a thought that I experience, in my head; or, more truthfully, rather, it’s an experience that I perceive - distinct, in formative nature, from a “thought,” in and of itself - for that it has a cognition and volition completely independent of any expenditure of energy of my own mind - quite a novel thing, for a guy who’s most commonly a loner, and introverted, as I am, yet only sometimes. It’s this sort of reality interaction that’s so commonly under observation and scrutiny - a novel thing, in and of itself, yet, at times, scarce, whereas we live in a world where human interactions are commonplace and widespread displays that we can peruse and experience, this being Los Angeles, CA, USA, a world unto it’s own, at least, in miniaturized form, if we are to recall that we are also a global society - rich in culture and imagery, and not always cheap. Remember the formative traits of good economics - there is worth in scarcity of supply, implying that a thing is valuable, for what’s offered, and for what’s being offered, for ownership, or experience - something along those lines. 

Anyways, I’ve said a lot. I don’t suppose that people would hold much of a candle for my overextended claims and statements, as far as right now. Maybe something else… something more accessible, and stuff. Maybe I’ll update, later on. 

Wednesday, December 15

How to [or who to]…? pick a post-pandemic (Delta variant timescale) - persona, for success.

 Let’s face it.

How rude a statement would that be, for someone? 

People are scrambling to avoid being caught in the crosshairs of propagandist ideation sublingual suggestive peripheries from taking hold of our young socialite upstart aspirations and takeovers, however distant and fartlorn we are, away from the nation’s capital, all the way at the other end of the country. Thankfully, in Los Angeles, the heatwaves haven’t been all too severe, and if it feels like it,
A fallen Japanese beetle, at the foot of an ominous, shadowy figure.


it probably is an infrared beam of “spotted you, eh?”


sorts of “dun, dun, dun…” 

how could a person possibly shake that sort of fate, and come out unscathed? I get scared, all the time. It’s always gangland wars, voices in my head, and sometimes, things, of all things, seem to become unseemly familiar, as far as that I feel I can identify people doing these things to me and my loved ones, and I can’t (usually) find a typology alter ego and spiritual boost timely and well enough to propel me in to quite, understanding and empathizing with what they claim is going on, in my life, and amongst people I’ve known, or my family, for example. 

I feel that some people take the concept of familiarity as appropriate grounds for dysfunctional catharsis to break ground and egotism platforming au contraire, for the sake of the fact that I… I just don’t do stuff like that. They’re the ones that are mad at me. 

Who could I possibly be, or have been, in order to not have become placed amongst these bingers on drugs type of judgmental and persecutory figurative individuals whom I’d known, or know, or some sort of vagueness that develops beyond scarcity of identity exchange, this being the remote sensing medium of communications and self | identity transmissions. It’s big, in Los Angeles. We do big things, out here, and some of us are without apologies or excuses for how, who, why, and what, and where? It happens to be, out here, that people are as slight as the breezes out here, in the hot summer nights. 

Just don’t… just - just… nah, you just really ought not to… I’d say. There’s something that sounded like screaming outside. I should go and check on it. Goodbye. 

Never mind. I don’t know… and then, South L.A. has been making lots of news stories happen, recently. 

Hmm. Sorry, I’m still adapting to this concept of that I am (just slightly) having my content served on Google News.

I was thinking that the hobbyist parfumerie enthusiast thing was the thing, for me, but I’ve got to be agile and swift, and I can’t do all things, or all people, and I can’t much solve my own problems, lately, because I don’t really know just who is doing what, and how I could better gain people’s good side. 

The JoyBuy miniature misting fan thing is blowing up, now that it’s summer. I bought four of them, and I think that some of them were broken by someone else, playing with the crumbs and knickknacks of my room.

Then there was idiot deluxe, the most everything guy (or lady), butt shittle, definitely, it would be ladies and gentlemen’s only - prowess, to become: the one who says the most iconically irreverent fwopp.

Wednesday, September 1

Alternatives to Gig Work, Now that the Federal Extension Unemployment Benefits are Ending.

 Although it may seem like a bleak outlook on the newsfeed, lately, I'm not going to freak out. There are plenty of ways in which I can assert my enterprising self and my entrepreneurial spirit, even as of yet;

Hopefully you'd also managed to procure and safeguard some capital investments, using unemployment benefits from the Employment Development Department, etc. - for me, it was perfume and fragrance | aroma ingredients that stuck things out, beyond the stock market and the cryptocurrency craze that hit many newcomers, from the wayside, with attractive and compelling distractions from what few opportunities many of us were afforded, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and subsequent social strata fallout that was the Black Lives Matter movement and associated civic center occupations and unrest. 

In any case, you might be wondering what else there is to do, now that much of the attention is on the presidential administration, the weather, etc., while here, in Southern California, the weather is relatively balmy and cool - at least for a few days, now; we',ve got raindrops notifications coming through on Dark Sky, and it's only the height of mid-day that's unbearably hot and overly bright. Things could be worse; they « had been » worse, previously... 

Then, from out of what seems like nowhere, Google manages to pull through in some new releases; there's the Pixel 6 coming out soon, and with it (preceding it's release), there's plenty of self-starter enterprising frontier, development and production space that's rich as all of the major topics of Big Tech, as of late: AI, ML, Call Center stuff, IoT, online retail, ad marketing, domaining... that sort of thing. 

For me, Google Workspace reignited the development aspirations fire within me, and I was drawn in by Gmail's chat space, which, for me, is constantly dead space, or non-existent, as I work primarily on mobile; finger-flipping up and down, checking on this and that, waiting for my benefits to come in, ... although that was bound to come to an end, at some point in time. Now that those things had come to fruition, during their time, it's obvious that we'd expect to have something to show, as for ourselves, and for our adult life and professional careers, to come. That's how I see it, in any case. 

There's Dialogflow, which is the linguistic version of what was, and is - the visual foray of Machine Learning platform, which is TensorFlow; we've all been familiarized with the notion of what TensorFlow does for us, in having to go through Captchas, as the intelligence barrier, between us, and some fated necessary task of scripting, that comes about, as a result of browsing the web, sometimes. 

There's the Tovusound Organ Pipe Music Boxes, which I'm a huge fan of, as a DTLA pigeon carnival enthusiast and proponent (lately, I've been getting shipped around, various parts of town, for the sake of tending to the other pigeon flocks and small establishments of them, in numbers, whether they were known gatherings of birds, or unbeknownst to me), given that the birds are likely to flourish, here and there, regardless of whether or not it's the civic center, or not. In these many various locales that I traverse, I encounter signs of that the pigeons and the people are getting along well, and that the birds are treated well in various parts of town.

Thursday, February 18

How to Actively Leverage your Money and Investments using the International Currency Exchange (Forex).

Having some extra money, as a windfall of this stimulus economy, here in America, suits a conservative financial outlook for us, as beneficiaries of the stimulus packages which have been made available to us, of which our primary budgeting aspirations and material needs have been met, despite some hardships incurred, in the interim.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has seen significant fallout, with major and upstart news media up in arms, as we attempt to grasp the totality and extents of this global disaster. Now that vaccinations are largely underway, there is a sign of a light at the end of the tunnel; one which will see us through to the new normal, in society, whereas much has shifted, it seems, as far as political milestones have been met, after some upheavals and dramatics, of the foray of things, as they were. 

Many of us had fallen to some of our most financially destitute lows, with employment prospects, although viably within visibility, for the sake of local and online communities such as craigslist, which I hold as one of my standing favorites, as a go-to, for gig work, of the technical and creative job industries, as well as for quick sales or purchases of extraneous electronics and tech devices, of which a person can make a quick cash or electronic funds transfer sale, while closing the sale within hours of posting an ad, all within the local community at large; here, within the craigslist context, the site is arranged by counties, of the states in which we reside. 

As such that craigslist is an online community, of the purpose of trading hard goods, procuring services, listing housing want ads, or offerings, etc., each transaction is ostensibly said and done, once the agreement has been met, and the transaction completed. The limitations of economy, as per se, that a transaction « can » be completed, are set forth in simple terms - a person either does or does not succeed in engaging in commerce, service, or trade, as a buyer, seller, worker, or employer, and the viability of the commerce, at the point of staging the transaction, is something that is leveraged upon the durability of the slight contract, at hand: a sale of an Apple product, which is perhaps the most popular sort of "computers and tech" or "electronics" section, and particularly if the item is sold for below fair and reasonable market price, is sure to attract quick commerce and exchange. Gigs posted in the various sections of the site will attract easily 10 candidates, with a posting cost of $5.00, I believe. As far as jobs and housing, I haven't personally posted in these sections in craigslist, so I won't speculate on the successes or metrics involved in engaging with customers or consumers, in those facets of the website. 

The point is, is that there's a limitation to the extents of commerce possible in dealing with and in developing any sort of ongoing cottage industry, which, (although), would be a quite lucrative and exciting self-employment job commodity to land and stage production and work execution deployments of small scale. All of this is possible, on a local classifieds listing site basis such that is seen on craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. A more entrepreneurially marketable mid-to-long term investment of skill sets and dedication to a cause, along these measures, would suppose that a dedicated e-commerce brand be established and purpose-led products and services be offered on a social entrepreneurship site, such as Etsy, or social media marketing slant of account basis in a site such as Instagram or Pinterest. The world of small business and startup marketing is a vast pitch, out to the ocean of the internet, at large, or social media, as it were, as for a more targeted approach. Here, on, for example, I have a brand that's stood, in establishment, on the web, going on since April of 2018, nearly three complete years, at this point. I've got a steady readership, yet distribution is largely contingent upon advertising the site's content publications on other social media sites, such as Twitter (with content publishing monetization through Google's AdSense, as the financial basis, at this point). Selling products is a tough sell, with readership loyalty and fan basis largely unknown, and not ventured much, as far as my expertise; although the tools do exist, with Google's Marketing Platform. 

All of this aside,

At times, I delve in to the world of day trading and international currency markets (forex) trading. I won't get in to stock trading, here; I'm a sort of trader that delves in to the inferential (or actual, geo-political) semiotics involved in forex trading, with minimal debriefing on the topic (a close friend, and mentor of mine took me to a seminar on forex, where a $4,000 software platform and $100 monthly feed fee was being offered, as an open-ended investment opportunity. [Incedentally, I'd met this friend and mentor through craigslist, and I devoted some years of services to, over a decade or so, ago. The social class strata inherent in a craigslist transaction could suppose, and enact great leveraged in opportunities in life; think local, dedicate the time and services one has to offer, and play the gig job economy game, for its expansive extents in social currency afforded to the gig jobber « would be ». For a skilled young professional, the opportunities in self-marketing are scalable and compartmentalized, to suit one's specialty]). 

In any case, as for the short story, the practice version of the forex marketer's software platform offer allowed a user to test out the package by investing in the $100 a month feed fee, with a practice account of $5,000. Within the first week, I had secured an overnight investment with this practice account that had netted me $35,000 (I believe)... something along those lines. The margin basis of investment leverage in foreign exchange currency markets is vast. The extents to which the money is leveraged is dependent upon various global market conditions, of which I'm not quite adept in, well enough to enumerate analytical theory upon, at this point. I simply use semiotics and casual inferential know-how and applied readership, of the blogosphere, of my own varying sort - of which « sort » of trading style I can expound upon, for anything's sake (contextually). 

In forex trading, I'd say that there are perhaps 3 major fundamental sorts of trading theory upon which one could establish a day trader's suit, about. The first would be that one is knowledgeable as for the ins and outs, and goings-on, of the international global currency markets, and international economies, which plays upon the notion of that the currency and day trading commodities, of a nation play out according [largely] to the time zone and standard work day constituent to the place on earth, where the nation resides, as well as that the political, social, and economic news foundry and "day's work" basis of the nation's economy are invested upon the standard work day. Since this (forex trading) concerns trading the nation's currency against a single currency, as a "currency pair," per se, the time zones invested upon any given currency pair may (theoretically) be more viably fruitful to engage in trades, thereupon, or speculation of valuation extentd (volatility), based upon analytics dependent upon the time of day that the nation's markets open, political news, and economic news that may be of insight, in to the inherent and global market's valuation and potential for the nation's currency, placed against another nation's currency, as "pair." These sorts of investments can run from anywhere such as minutes or less, to weeks and months, or years, even, for more conservative investors who invest based on emerging and developing political and economic news of a nation. 

The second sort of trading style and theory I have, at mind, is a semiotics and signals sort of trading analysis, of the development of trends, based on chart information. Let it be known; this professional seminar I had attended, perhaps 12 years ago, or so, was groundbreaking information to me, by all means - the forex market itself was an unknown to me, and software development had not reached the extent of popularity and expanse of means, in development and competitive economy, such that is afforded today, with apps being developed and deployed, of all sorts, reaching consumers. In this case, as far as forex is concerned, much time in software development had passed, and competition has led software development establishments to offer such things as free forex feeds, in free apps, for example. I'm using OANDA, which is available on the App Store, and on Google Play. It offers users dozens of currency pairs to trade upon, with a 24/7 feed for each pair, news feed, and open-ended investment basis. I opened an account with $100, to start with. I'm using simple signs, and simple-basis "trending" sorts of analytics, such as the previous highs or lows, of the time of day, and with forecasting insights, based on casual news media astute readership upkeep, or for casual political affinities and insights, I cast an investment. For example, here, in this chart, showing the EUR/USD currency pair, I might cast an investment, based on the day-to-day highs and lows, of a buy-in basis of that the currency pair would gain or lose money, perhaps reliably, simply for the fact of that prior day's trends and establishments of valuation had predicated that the currency pair has an ongoing trend, of some viable: static, or dynamic - story behind it, perhaps; in addition to any number of valuation variability attributes upon the currency pair.

 The more informed and concurrency-based the investment insight is, the more viable the percentages are, in investing here; in this case, the volatility plays largely in to assuming future valuations, based on prior trends and establishments, as far as buying and selling, within this short-to-mid-term investment basis is concerned - anywhere from 15-30 minute trades, hours, or days forecast, as for procuring worth upon valuation is concerned. 

The third sort of trading: at this point, I'm forgetful, to be honest. Perhaps I'll come back and update this article. 

The greater the pips involved, in the purchase (or sale, as it were, perhaps) inherent within each momentary offer of a price for a currency pair - a trader can invest money on the gain, or the loss, of value, for one side of any currency pair, in a purchase. The feed is free, although "don't forget the worth of our cookies," as people who follow my social media and blogging would perhaps casually attest to: the worth of each one of us, in our interrent internet identities, as it were, and should it be the case, is at hand, and also at stake, with this global trading platform being offered as a free service. Here, I run an intelligence content publishing basis platform, so I infer that I'm obligated to throw in an introductory article, for the purpose, and develop upon this basis, over time, with gains in intelligence, and onboarding of an ethical, objective, and informative basis for interested new users of the platform of which I'm publicizing and using, on my own. 

Now get OANDA on to your device, and start trading! One thing - you wouldn't stand, off hand, to lose much money, and we learn as we go. I'll update, to come, with more sound and viable actual theory and analytical practices, as well as invested nomenclature and slights at expertise upon the topic of forex trading.

Monday, August 12 hosted a job fair at LADOT Headquarters today.

I was thankfully wrangled in to the event by 2 nice ladies, who offered me a flyer.

I'm particularly hopeful about the job proposition, being that I'm currently employed only as the pigeon-feeder of the area, and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation is the job-sponsor.

I was feeding the pigeons and sparrows (obviously).

The sparrows try to wrangle hold over a snack-size Twix bar.

It's an exciting prospect, and I was interviewed by Richard, who holds 2 degrees, one of them in Urban Planning. It feels like this could be a fortuitous job prospect for me, if I'm accepted. 

I filled out a job application ad hoc, prior to being interviewed. 

Jay Ammon

(213) 545-6660 [text only, currently]

304 W. 90th St. 
Apt. #2
Los Angeles, CA  90003
United States of America

DOB: 03/23/1982
CA ID #: B9449425
Social Security #: XXX-XX-XXXX

Date:August 12th, 2019 Job Application

  1. I stay in South Los Angeles, one of the project areas (Broadway at Manchester).
  2. I have a Bachelor's degree in the Arts (humanities). UC Riverside, BA (Music; graduated 2004).
  3. I am outgoing, unprejudiced, and engaging with the community. I feel comfortable around all people.
  4. I'm active and successful in establishing effective and influential public relations on social media and, as well,in establishing search and content metrics amongst organic demographics on websites from scratch.
  5. I'm effective and proactive in establishing personal relations within the homeless community as a former homeless individual. 
  6. I'm a gracious recipient of opportunities offered to me in the job sphere and in personal contexts that pertain to professionalism and ethics alike. 
  7. I'm accountable and communicative about my workplace and scheduling matters.
  8. I thrive within organized workplace structures. 
  9. I'm capable in dynamic workplace delegations; I'm hiquick to pick up on tasks that merit attention and closure. 
  10. I'm effective in public speaking and outreach. I don't mind starting in menial job positions. 
  11. I have dynamic aspirations within the transportation sector of job industry as an individual research academic. 
  12. I am objective and effective in learning and applying technical and critical analysis in leadership opportunities and in establishing sound statistics. 
  13. I have 10 years experience in client-service occupations. I can offer a numerous many personal references as towards former successes in the work sphere. 
  14. I'm an effective and considerate public speaker and community representative for needful demographics in the homeless and mental-health affected communities. 
  15. I am particularly astute at following traffic laws and lights, as a common pedestrian, walking over 100 miles per month. 
  16. I am particularly well-educated, effective, and accountable in dealing with and in reporting on mental illness-affected individuals.

Work and Education History:
Winter 2016-Current: Blogger© and Tumblr Website Administration and Mobile App Development
  • I've worked diligently and with perseverance in establishing fruitful and meangful social media and internet website engagements with organic and professional-network relevant audiences, as a content producer. 
  • Since mid-2018, I've been an avid independent researcher in the field of website development and, as well, in establishing internet presence from bootstrapped startup-basis websites and socio-cultural internet establishment initiatives. 
  • I've established accountable and successful initiative outreach for community causes such as making sure that birds in South Los Angeles and Downtown LA receive proper nutrition and water. (This cause is currently one of my main daily purposes that I try to fulfill)
  • My causes have been community-supported; I commonly receive affirmations for the efforts I put out.

Fall 2017-Spring 2017 - Master of Social Work School Applicant, USC and Simmons School of Social Work.
  • I worked at implementing Christian-based initiatives of extending community service and causes in the Downtown LA and neighboring areas as a Master of Social Work Fall and Spring matriculation applicant at 2 schools. 
  • Ultimately, I was unsuccessful at gaining financial aid, and I ceased in the application process due to same such financial difficulties. 

Fall 2006-Summer 2016 - Technical and Software Support.
  • I engaged with many clients during this time, providing on-site technical support services and Software installation support for individuals and small businesses.

Fall 2000-Summer 2004 - University of California at Riverside - BA in Music
  • I received an overall GPA of 3.6 during my academic career at UC Riverside.


Alexis Orens, ACSW, Telecare Corporation. 
  • Relation: Social Worker, Therapist.
  • Phone: +1 213-239-4859

Wish me luck! 

The job description is manifold. The Vision Zero LA project, essentially, hosts events and does outreach amongst individuals and the community at large in promoting and showcasing the latest developments in the transportation and public works sector. 

I could, potentially, be doing outreach and public engagement as a canvasser, with potential to move up on the career ladder as time goes on.

The pigeons at the Grand Park Playground make a mess of themselves amidst cut grass and soggy graham crackers. 

I'm supposed to hear back via email between tomorrow and Friday. 

Friday, June 8

Nuclear evolutionary establishments abound in pigeons underneath the jet stream

Can these sidewalk pigeons smell better now? It seems like they sniff around like dogs. The dark German Shepherd-like dog was out prolifically last night; he checked on me so constituently faithfully as the narrative in my head told thereof. It was so exciting, somewhat frightening; to be at the center of some happening in establishment; and the consequences were inexplicable in scale, for a pigeon lover. On some hand, finding a huge box and bag full of bright ladies' stylistic-aesthetics-clothing stuff was amazing, but wearing it out while risking my balls on blast way beyond valid scope that I'd accustomed to; as towards balls on blast discussion, it was getting old. I'm off hand a bit serious whereas most people seem to take it as a joke. It was, in a real sense; a frightfully toyed-about concept. It baffles my mind, absolutely.

I'm trying to maintain my straight vision and sensible-bounds-keep-self aptitude about me, as a complete amateur in what exactly I was doing; I wasn't sure about it much at all, to begin with, to be honest. Turns out that I had inadvertently established some sort of ionic mineral water content that is valuable in nuclear jet stream physics. As the narrative developed, I nervously followed orders and it was kinda sorta whoa, okay, that's a lot of uhh, uncommon stress and purported responsibility to pull it off properly. As a concomitant comprehensive hindsight exercise, it was, in effect, some yellowish, urine-like, yet tasteless fluid. "They" told me that it was kerosene developing, and then there was a drama involving some guys I had been hanging out with previously, and I had to arrange a bag to assist in someone's escape route. I added Tide Fresh and Clean. Popped up on a Hispanic TV Novelas / Vanidades magazine cover as a doppelganger, they said I was using cocaine. I was trying to do better, I would explain; all the time. I'm not an unfeeling person. The silliness of the drama is affecting my performance, and I'm generally one of the top minds in discussion, as far as people I've known. I'm not really trying to help out; I'm trying to get my place clean already, it's been 5 complete months, and there's dirt all over the floor. My spiritual mentor as a physical being-representative person-in life; I dunno. I don't even really talk to him, in a sense; there's a chance I might get some strange takes on stuff I consider standard, for me.

I hope I did alright; I'm a bit scared as towards fitting in and doing things alright. I am dressed like a girl, and that in and of itself could be a seriously knee-jerk basis to take on popping up unexpectedly on late night way new stuff going on, like they caught me acting childish. In general, though, no. I've been pretty hop-to-it with the trying-to-get serious, and then my iPad got taken, and then I found out I'm dragged in to part of this drama of other nations-as-well sorts of stuff.

They tell me I'm aught to take off on a plane; perhaps it'll be so. I've got to pack. Maybe just as a perhaps, though. I might be getting "punked" like they expected better of the standard. There was some talk up of Taco Bell having had some strange basis in my life; such that I am CEO of the company - quotables. I did find a Taco Bell Women's shirt, but that was with the rest of the clothes. I'm not considering that end, on any reasonable basis I can talk up some viable sustainable support mechanism as towards.

Phew. Time's up at the Mark Twain Library in South LA for this session.

Saturday, June 2

Cute iOS App Crushes for The Professionally Considerate iPad ❤️’ers Graphic Design GFX Mock-up « Whatever » Gig-pay Artisan of iPad au jour Denizenry [Draft]

Cute iOS App Crushes for The Professionally Considerate iPad ❤️’ers Graphic Design GFX 
Mock-up « Whatever » 
Gig-pay Artisan of iPad au jour Denizenry

an Enterprise Grandiosity Psychologically-post-Freudian Public Persona Facial Wherewithal Astute Typology; Sex-Offender Jaunt Trifles None-wha-huh-who?
None Whatsoever Typology.

Nuclear-Identity Periphery Proximity Marketing Radiation-Gamma-Sustainable Watershed Persona Development Cycle Persona - Standard Boundaries, for Aesthetics Finery of the Humanities. 

That being said, this article is the hand-over-hand-in-hand true iPad blog-lifestyle of tech-dieter crash-food craze asifever... 🙄 then, (perhaps, over time, etc. exigencies of outcomes, given valid jaunted buntiglios of shitsicles, various counting schemes; definite facie-selfie « check-its » valid sober stance mirror moments - for heterosexuality, at the forefront of the jaunt-stated purpose. 

That being said, this content has been cleared by the most already-watershed graphics-design-of-iOS iPad srsly non-fuckin’ aficionados stance of valid prêt-pelletier no-ass glance back at y’a sideways about letting a fart out, this one’s definitely tissue-stuffed fart-leisurely passable recreation for both genders.

That being the case, as it were, I worry much less about « if I’m offensive » about fletching my ass-happenstance in valid Christian shamefulness, unh-uhh, now I am free to do about iOS App Store perusal as a valid supporter of the corporate capitalist trifling-jibs one-off marketing outpost that is as is such: the iOS iTunes App Store, of such happenstance-also recursive exigent drama; yet some people jaunt pigeons, and that’s where I lay my clutch: the lil’ darling aficionado love-cycling relationship of the validly iPad-as-stated aficionado lore culture: it’s valid, without yet as much as I did that okay happenstance wherewithal of a perhaps had-had-to « needs-be » non-concomitant avec les offrent d’leurs sexualities, to be as so much French as have-happenstance wherewithal:

All government organization ligature psychological babble aside: what more could they do to stop people from jaunting no « fingernails no more » jaunt shitzi-tiglios way more jaunted than frostbite lately; it’s June 2nd already in some places, according to as-happened to be Cupertino Time Zone mock-up map-mapping AR-arbitrary-of mapping augmented-reality have-happenstance wherewithal: continuing among the classical traditions of humanities and science; mathematics, etc. 

[Euclid’s 13 Books of the Elements gave way to hundreds upon dozens, at least; of proper taskmanship artisan roles for academically-inclined finery] or constructively somewhat « at least » valid basis foundations for the algorithmic ML and Data Visualization Aesthetics establishments that some of the more handiwork-vested infographies of naturally sustainable recursive developments, to speak of, etcetera. 

Orthographic projections of engineering industries planar views and proportional dynamic dimensional physics rendering is still in development as a macro and micro science in art aesthetics, to this day. 

The app production development teams on these curated selections of a project of open-source common stance; buy from the App Store; get superior choice and capabilities in iOS mobile graphic design, in comparison to jailbreaking personas that are so commonly a « stated jaunt Tweaker trifle », in French brackets for quotations, as according to the AZERTY standard; for me, it’s an iPad thing. 

Get a good 2013 or later model iPad Air or better, big screen is good; and 128 GB of storage. That’s what I’m running, for $175 off of craigslist, from the computers and tech section. I live in Los Angeles; I’m perhaps somewhat fortunate, comparatively. 

Make it a jaunt athleisurely lifestyle-destination vacation and wash up here as a gutter dump transvestite drug-seeking demographic from out where you came from. (I’ll leave my door open and a pair of good-‘nough panties in a pile of crap in my closet for when I’m out jaunting: about town...) for the hapless street-dwelling serious needs-for-an-iPad « of blog lifestyle » aficionado stated stance: you can check my latest facile-selfie - it’s clear. 


Just don’t let me catch you smoking drugs in my place: there’s families around, and I’m running a pigeon institute, here. The closet check-status persona hamster wheel mock-up au jour is to die for: just a 90 block walk from DTLA. No franchise or co-location network PrimeTime mockery of a valid shortcoming: a jaunted ass panties-aficionado-stated ass gutta-ass lifestyle, you find yourself; have at it, just no weird shit, and no noise. No smoking the drugs, either; some people don’t believe it when they hear it, but trust me: I totally did one-off trifling entrepreneurial mock-up narcissistic outstanding achiever; perhaps as such as « I do my own 🇵🇷 Puerto Rico » establishment finery coterie au jour (somewhat of the belief that that’s about fine cuts of meat: and that’s what you get here - a jaunt trifling « more than you asked for, better than you could expect » as far as psychologically forensics talk-of-the-Town, slight celebrities, they’ll make you, for a jaunted-AF valid corner Olde English 800 stance on the subject - with valid oversight from professionals, distanced somewhat and enough (sic). 

That being said, all things aside: I assume all things Christian and good-natured in mankind; you might deny a valid pantries-aficionado stance-stated jaunted needs-to-have-besides drug-abuse recovery stance, but some people think that I just talk up a pigeon carnival wherewithal iPigeon finery talk; I’ve got some ionic minerals and M! Scaling at the Computer iOS App Store aficionado iTunes welfare-recipient chipping-away-at-it: yet even more iPad validly development scrum 2nd glance have-you on technology diet: eating pronz off the hibachi ain’t goin’ down like that all the time. A mock-up tranny to-speak-of hamster wheel persona theme park is have-at-it: 

The 3 hour video is coming: the mixes etc. need to be attenuated, and then, in measures: reintroduced as valid semantics for fodder iPigeon Carnival app enterprise institute speak-of you find me: I was mumbling, true; but this is my breakout on-camera persona, and, oh - the visuals! I almost forgot about the representation of a valid tech diet basis jaunt-level depravity standards development narcissist stance on development: blog. Dot dot dot... how bout you? The ever-sociable « just-good » dog, as Jim used to say. He’s just a good dog.

Now: we do I. 

Now, we do pigeons. Me, as in I, as of we. Validly précédent in the .com of iPigeon branding ad marketing; it’s got all the valid makings of a serious adulting-validly stance on a life’s formative aspects: orthographically sound; we do leans, do fletch, do jaunted AF trifling through the gutters for some just perhaps findings, to-do.

Regardless of all that, some people will simply just not do anything at all, by standards and measures, and thus take on a valid sexual identity depravity personality disorder mock-up water cooler « as-if » this is post coffee-shop beverage patron status du jour iPigeon linguistics fan: if anything, make it a caramel Frappuccino, extra caramel. Mmm... 

That being the basis of a jaunt mock-up persona campaign, all kinds of jaunt-oppositional demographics: for antériorité French momentous-of-novelties « finds-you » or others; I don’t get into that kind of nomenclature discussion to cast dispersions thereafter; I also so many things about life everything, in fact; yet some people - constituently sex offender, aside from all that, simply Freudian identity shortcoming happenstance mock-up speak-of, as a once-off, for some people. 

For some people, it passes. For others, it’s butterknifes out the grocery store for a pigeon-waffles young-enterprise carnival institute aesthetics auteur - as if it wasn’t also of valid armed forces to-speak-of folk nomenclature finery establishment talk-up, of caretakers, nonetheless, of the finery establishment such as iPigeon institute. 

All sorts of folklore nomenclature talk up of pigeons, to speak of. Some people take it differently.

Needless to say; I felt that the pigeons deserved an au jour grandiose des les française petit ecouterie Jean-blanc mock-up peasantry faire take on aesthetics of pigeons, as illustrative subjects, thus leading towards all sorts of thousands of words as towards non-Freudian shortcomings personalities typos and oppositional lean-to’s; as if the jaunted buntiglios lean status-stance knees-crumbling take on the subject was poor happenstance strange now enemy combatant black militant site - developing around me validly; and it’s public relations - I do talk-ups dès leurs, and I dunno 🤷‍♂️ 🤷🏾‍♀️ emojis of linguistic forthright bonjour-ing locality Apple proximity protocol networking also, how brand-marketing psychological... 


But seriously, cut it out on the Freudian slips. I wear females’ clothes, and it’s sometimes an issue, but I do validly 12 steps recovery. All things in substantiation to fletch, if you will: a pigeon racing-birds specialist

First off;

Second of all,

First of all. Some people change the subject from pigeons. Without any aficionado or love for the birds. It’s stated-as the biggest mistake of any man’s life, time in, and time again. 

Whereas some people...

Is this departure into a moment way more summer breeze casuals pussy of finery jaunt-buntiglios undoing of American standards: cleanliness, and then bleh... some people speak of strange and un-Christianly things. 🤷‍♂️ then I see such things in such plain sober view. Etc.

That being said, the affinity for an avid graphics-design artisan stewardship young jaunted as-classic as-Folger’s: how standard American AF is a kidney disorder? Trite shitsicles for the have-bits of coffee-STRf#ckerstry, I do Frappuccinos, grande, extra caramel, by the way, and you can find me in adult themes if necessary, as well. All within standards-ordinance of wow: someday soon, I’ll post the 3 hour video: 

Of a pigeon-fletch jaunt demographic; all sorts of Euclidean arrêter aesthetics are rawr-rawr-rawr-rawr... some people disparage the cute.

That being said: here’s the breakdown of several of my workflow aspirational attainments and tools of des leurs: the ones who do graphic design aesthetically « okay, I’m a narcissist » stance on some things, then they make it even worse, etc. Lifestyle blog tech diet aficionado relationships folklorist valid « blog ». I do blog valid leisure writing gigs-free: for tech-diet non-smoker demographics of tech diet aesthete, then I talk up a pigeon carnival institute enterprise, over waffles: standard as the liturgy - waffles, ... ehhh, I spoke of them already. The pigeon waffles.


Okay. The list.

Jay is a demographic for valid web standards arrête aux jours of a mock-up European Early Modern Period Aesthetic and Forensics watershed establishment in civilian society: he do’s why we have tables and anti-psychotic medications prescribed to us, as « standards committees. »

UI/UX design-standards-depravity model aesthetics, yet this one’s about iconic app icon vectorization workflow and novel endowments as towards highly beyond-aficionado STRf#cker TMZ mock-ups of tabloïds réputé: thèse are valid needs-to French-stated basis aesthetics about it: an aux jours des leurs: the home exhibition re-artisanship process, in digital form, in various aptitudes as of to speak of, such as to not become -as irrelevant. So many wordplay and valid ulterior motivés to an iOS love relationship debacle for the « athleisure », yet Nikes regardless and sometimes - the jaunt gets way speculative about body aesthetic OTG like, you know - carefully aromatherapeutics applied constituent happenstance speak of, that I do.

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