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Showing posts with label personas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personas. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3

Some scraped intelligence, from Apple Search, to feed contexts and discovery in to Google Search.

 Is crypto literally simply founded upon illicit drug use and gang affiliations? - as the commonly, albeit slight, popular belief of the masses, had come to the fore? 

Who hadn’t slighted that belief, for staying up on news feeds during the pandemic, etc.? Who hadn’t experienced some sort of detriment, as a result of gang affiliated individuals collectivizing, gathering, creeping, and targeting victims? It’s been a quite blatant context of unknown extents, in my life; partially apparently due to the inclusion of heroin in to the personas - granted, I’m not completely immune from prosecution here, as a regular methamphetamine user, but I am trying to clamp down this notion of drug abstinence, and solace; of contentment in my standard self. I’ve been seeking ways in which I can instill practices, and disciplined formative traits in myself, in rebuilding a resilient and immune identity, where feigned disbelief intersects with the truth, for how much the remote-sensing quadrants operators and engineers could, or might, imbue me with some higher power that exists, out of a more or less faulty persona that could aught be supposed of a drug-abusing individual, for that these things are deemed to be unlawful. (I had a slight notion of starting beyond, at “albeit,” in this moment). 

The screen grab image here features an outlined app, of questionable merit and ethics, given the intimation of “gang” as the prevailing branding and title for an NFT-creating app.

A picture gleaned upon Apple’s Search processes suggests a dark intimation of what construes a highly popularized and centrifugal financial behemoth, given cryptocurrency’s moment in the spotlight, for having been novel, whereas now, the details are under federal government scrutiny and international regulations, constraints, and rebuke, of various issues at context, given cryptocurrency.

These sorts of Nijinsky are scarcely so autocorrected, contextually deeply-dug, such as “I doo-doo,” the claim. Who could remember, beyond the novelty? 

Ah, Nijinsky. Had I not even known - is what’s had had had happened - trying to regain traction, here. These autocorrect things, these days, with the introduction of “actual” improvements, bearing upon contextual intelligences, of machine learning, and of artificial intelligence - Apple and Google both, as big tech awrr rawr rawr rough and tough contenders to the popular titles of achievement and progress upon linguistic and visual perceptual GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), and ooo… I had a dedicated and obsessive adversary, whereas I was more intent, on the keyboard, upon a “ab” (awkward, but that’s how I projected, in vivo, the sentence ought to be composed, d hoc, and improvisatorily, of an organic discovery and discernment upon the topic, thereof, and for that matter. 

Remembering? Well, that’s a bit tough, when I’m me, of the standards that I’d imposed upon others, whereas I’m a skilled typist, on mobile, and these autocorrect things… fwoppin’ bwopp? Priceless…?! et cie novelty-minded crumbs and knickknacks, of the minded-so aught of, thereupon, of outpacing this detriment - we have the written accord, of the textual nature, and composition’s … umm… there’s some legal term for this sort of dispatch. Not quite disposition, or exposition, butt shittle? … “even better,” it had once come to pass, upon the notion of cruising, at issue, of a legal matter… 

With that sort of GAN at formative construct, in nature, we could just opt to rebuild life, from the bitsies, and the pieces, of what had transpired, of on piss? Muah. 

Just maybe. 

But okay. That was an example of a Generative Adversarial Network, I’d suppose, and it just popped up, out of convenience. I’m the gritty-enough (un-)editorial drafts-type and typist to render that rawr awrr rough and tough little bitsies, crumbs, and knickknacks, fweef! 

And now, who could remember anything, once again? What matters? Who cares? All things had been taken care of, here, butt shittle? It’s all taken care of, here, already. 

Alright. The latest topic is that a man encountered me, the other day; a guy of a common; a more common sort, that I am, I’ll just be upfront about it - at least, of what he presented to me, but at least (once again - the GAN context impetuous underlying developing purpose at stake, of becoming less relevant, here) - at least he had artistic aspirations and offerings about himself. That was decent, I could say. What he said, though, of a different establishment, of the acquaintanceship, was that “it’s easy to hurt people.” Disregarding all else, that was an offensive superficial thing to flout, I felt. Bringing it to the current moment, I’m reminded of that I feed the pigeons, and the sparrows, and I try to sustain life, of these birds, out in the urban wild, as it were. These blogs are supposed to sustain the purpose and prescience of the guy who does that (me), and I happen to be the guy who does that, as me. I’m pinioned, as a guy who thinks of himself, to an unexpected extent, I suppose, and I guess that that makes me one who disregards people. I just feel like it’s appropriate. I did it to the guy, at one point, because he was flouting a certain type of inflection and intimation upon me, of which I find useless and condescending, whereas I had this slight pigeons and friends home art exhibition thing that I use as my sociable ladder, to climb in to casual civic “bed,” as it were, as for someone opening up to a notion of really getting to know me - the birds, the feeding, the art, the blogs, etc. 

Possibly, however, “the guy” has some of that sort of trait to him, in and of his own right, it’s just that I was a bit put off by his casual nature. It’s like, doo-doo comes first, then nobody can remember anything anymore. 


I couldn’t even… I just imagine that likewise, nobody else could, except that sometimes, I have this backing of a transcript dictaphoneur specialties-professionalism, in “somebody’s” higher authority stance, over me, whereas I experience problems, commonly, for enjoying myself, for example, on, like, a work day, and work day hours, for that matter, whereas I try to uphold a definition and reputation of a standard-classed man, for the people, and I let off flouted bitsies of the truth, in my admissions about stuff that I’d otherwise be known to do. 

The point, beyond all else, however, is a bit simple, of a premise. It’s about personal freedoms, somewhat, and it’s somewhat about boundaries. Now, given, I was wearing women’s balloon pants, and a poncho, and I looked a bit uncommon, as for myself. I don’t know what it was, I suppose. Maybe it was the smoking. The smoking in the household thing. I didn’t partake, because it was a pookie (a blown glass pipe used for smoking crystalline or resinous [oils] substances) - I’ve got no taste for that. Maybe that’s the non-pareil of establishment, here, supposing that people think, whatsoever. 

Alright, that was French, I’ll admit. Butt shittle? Not all that much for the better, as it turns out. But I did pull out a Nijinsky, and who could refrain from researching that thread of intelligentsia bitsies… 

*~<°^•>=/* just imagine, though, Nijinsky. Some people know Nijinsky like we were brought up on Lé Coqué-tard. Russian imperial, versus French modernism ex imaginative fwopp-lore. 

I suppose that, in the end, I’m just trying to find my suitable place, in the aesthetic of suitable geometries or placement in serendipity, amongst others, and I didn’t even watch the movie. I don’t, no. I doo-doo. I don’t quite understand… butt shittle? Some people just don’t read my shit, is what’s (I guess), the issue, whereas it’s so seemingly awfully compelling to the lower mindsets of individuals, and of responsibility. 


Thursday, February 11

The winter 2021 state of the Full Service Partnership program, headed by Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

 Few people experience schizophrenia and bipolar symptoms such as I do, personally, at this point in time. It’s February of 2021, and it’s been a fairly consistent predicament and a detriment to my better self and well-being since the onset happened, back in 2012. I covered much of that early-onset era of schizophrenia on Twitter, for a few years, or so (what don’t I cover on Twitter?)

The essentials of what I’d come to understand about schizophrenia are these things - that there are three distinct and currently recognized typical onset time spectrums within susceptible individuals’ lives: early onset (teenage years, most commonly), young adulthood (age 30 and beyond), and mid-life crisis (seniority years, and retirement). The debilitating traits of schizophrenia are obvious - in a clinical sense, (the book is in the Patton State Hospital Library, and I read it - it was a doctorate thesis on Narcissism, which posed paranoid schizophrenia as the final stage in the spectrum of narcissism, beginning with (well, I forget the first stage), but it continues forth, noting grandiosity, a trait of bipolar spectrum disorder, as the second stage, borderline personality traits of disruptive and dysfunctional relationship management skills and symptoms as the mid-point marker of the narcissistic personality, with narcissism being the trait carried through, further in the spectrum, and once full isolation and intrigue had become trait and characteristic alike, of the study and inquiry upon such an individual, it would be known as paranoid schizophrenia. 

To disavow the reality of that schizophrenia is a manifestation of what is quite commonly conceivably known, and attainable, as knowledge merit, in delineating the former (or, uninitiated) lacking knowledge and foresight that would appropriately equip the potential sufferer’s repertoire in some sort of skill set or foundational knowledge of how to cope, give, the seemingly inevitable circumstances - it is technology’s doing and carrying through of the task of “delivering” untimely messages of lesser psychologies, of that there are several handfuls, perhaps, in that they had been forewarned, or that they become mystified, by the powers invoked within the context of hyper-spectral remote sensing and surveillance apparatus, such that we are invariably living out our nation’s religious dictum of a higher power, with religious establishment such as Scientology managing these newer ethical and social deeds, with greater relevance upon some of the higher forms of understanding and knowledge basis that we stand to be held accountable for, in this modern day and age. 

In essence, it’s a vastly “knowable” state of existence, of which rational thought and logic could be applied to the implementation, development, and control of the mind-state invoked within hyper spectral remote sensing dramas. Denying such would be as trite a claim as dismissing that which had simply “just happened,” during the course of an argument, in which an empowered individual chooses dominance, over prescience, and continuity, in the context of problem resolution, which is a common and necessary family and social skills behavioral apparatus. It’s largely expected of people of that they are not seeking to cause problems, yet all too often, such claims as these, simple as they are, and at that, dismissing the oblique portrayals of persona that become unmistakable perpetrators of witting persecution and human trafficking, with intelligence and talent largely cast aside, for the sake of enlivening notions of the inquisition, played out in its various mannerisms in which it might, for those involved, and on behalf of those seeking to relieve themselves from their own internal struggles. 

It’s a challenge, yet I’m put at task to empathize much with the spirit of opposition; I’ve been cornered and singled out, so commonly and chronically so, such that my own opinion and disposition about the subject is somewhat obscure and fringe territory of people’s common usage conversational basis, and it’s a weighty task at that. Even I would admit, at times, that I’m taken by suggestion, and I’m somewhat not quite even myself, at certain points in proceedings. Yet, for that matter, I feel that some of the caseworkers are burdening a client of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, such as myself, with the consequences of affirmative action hiring; I’m only somewhat recently “okay,” with my various imaginative persona and web | app development enterprises and content publishing pursuits as having placed me well enough within the demographic of that I could receive unemployment and pandemic disaster award money, alongside my unemployment insurance claim, with my business ventures being the basis for self-employment. Thankfully, that much had been rigorously covered, in the past year, or so, assisting the gig job and self-employed economy.

That being said, I don’t feel like I need to say much more, yet perhaps I’ll update this, with some allegorical additions to the contexts laid out here, if things happen to believably develop along those lines tonight, or to continue further. 

Saturday, February 29

Some predating corroboration that others had found their iDevice, given pigeons, comparatively a fond marriage of affections. (a reblog from Digiday)


Given that I happened upon (was well-paired, of personal traits, in affinities, thereof [of]), the branding establishment of “iPigeon” that was effected, of my personal happenstance, in seeking a blog publishing domain, for the sake of various developments to be worked out, and worked at, over the formative underlying basis of that the ideas would have website domain statistics and analytics to be measured, of viable popular themes of imaginative endeavor, or of intellectual foundations of new research, through public offering of these ideas and aspirations in article form, I was confronted, upon enthusiasm for happening upon custom domains under the oversight entity of Google’s stability in reputable product delivery of their commonly used applications and services - with coming to terms of that there was a first-off, prior establishment of such similarly organic originality in conceptual branding that had been established of the .com of the iPigeon brand company title; yet the variant flexibility in marketable branding persona was still rich, for the sake of many dozens of viable enterprise pursuits of a disparity contrast of respectable space, such that these contexts would not conceivably violate common ground, and enterprise, given expectations of soundness in decency and competitive ethics. 

Given that, I stalked my branding identity, the other night, and I happened upon another predating occurrence of the origin sightings of the digital iPigeon creature having sprung into existence, on some other Apple mobile device aficionado’s contingently particular quirk of that the individual was obviously fond of birds, on a personal level, as well.

Saturday, September 29

iPigeonKit iOS Apple iTunes App Store offerings for iPad that work well in developing an advertiser marketing persona content producer iBeacon [or aurally Beacon-esque imaginative takes on a tech and lifestyle arrête kit confīte; plus some discourse on associated technologies and ad hoc development possibilities, based on experience] : localized {remote sensing} (listening; speaking: environmental awareness identity development best practices)

All top cute list stuff aside, some people establish less than corporatism standard effective discourse in doing such things.

The considerably unprecedented lean, though, merits being discoursed in considerate relevant form; here: it goes down in written word form.

The issue in context, and some merits to its discussion: 

There's this guy, amongst a variant typology establishment of some limited scope basis of men; commonly, in spoken word, I'd say something like "all sorts of guys," but I've told this story before, and no one really squats on doing a valid dis-service to the standard masculinity expectations of common and standard men of stereotypical imaginative takes of at least: just about most everyone I grew up with has these stereotypical underpinnings; perhaps nothing: yet one time I fancied I smelled my lean on the floorboards so lean that I smelled smoke and I thought it had happened: I leaned that AF jaunteded on some development scrum process that merited my full-on and all for it attention, yet obviously, I would not lean quite so much to the detriment of my ionic liquid minerals heraldries supplementation regimen: to jaunt standard stereotypical admirable bum persona takes on that I'm a bum, most commonly, and I never used to lean like this, I'm sure, but this time [just once], I leaned so hard on the floorboards while I was doing an ad hoc USC dumpster trash-diving year-end for student apartments move-out special take on what might have otherwise been a standard bum recyclables dumpster dive take on "it's summer, it's hot;" various distractions from that I was simply collecting recyclables and then, there were especially finery dumpster leave-outs: [obviously, people moved out for the school year and they were trashing stuff in the dumpsters]. 

I've noted the Chinese medications previously here on blog article publications, and my coconut composting efforts with ionic minerals. 

That being said, I've worked out some various marketing slew speakership iconic-bumtastic classic bum jaunt persona basis stylizations of some of bums' lifestyle personas finest " [«  »] " quotables bums I could muster, while being at least one who could live to burgeon the blog as article write-up on top iOS App Store purchases for the audio side of what merits Apple's significant works and achievements in development: CoreAudio and some related technologies of the iOS mobile device platform potential: here, in field work ethnography and self-anthropological studies that I've done; ostensibly, if I was about wasting time more than development and establishing basis of what all this means, I'd ostensibly already addressed all of these issues, and this being in social media format: obviously, the lean so unprecedentedly smells like smoke somehow - might, in some form of naivete as could possibly play out, simply be somebody's insider Folklore to pass me through the story of just one more, whereas I'd be establishing an unserious typology basis of Top Level Domain website development of a .institute Blogger site.

I did that once, perhaps just last week or so.

That being said, I seemed to at least potentially also un-mic'ed, ad hoc, and constituently disparaging my obvious better purpose of remembering and relating to a readership audience: a better and less-depraved anecdote of what merits an iBeacon ad marketing basis; 

I'd say I'm obviously capable of evincing intelligence through written discourse. The preceding paragraph structure is so obviously of note. I've discussed [these] typologies previously.

SVG Unlimited
Adobe Draw
Creative Cloud
Adobe Concept
Okay, actually, I looked over the list, as I was preparing to sort out the simply audio-visual constituent apps, and I saw that I'd have to address various aspects of many of these other apps to really speak on empowering a valid speakership voice and capability in an ad hoc, as-needed person of the merits I've spoken on, for this blog article series basis of Top App Store iOS listings for witting and willing buyer client basis sorts of the Apple iTunes online content store, for which there is a significantly distracted and much-less advantaged long-term app-usage valuation type for a content media producer typology attainment goal in life; I've spent considerable hours in looking into jailbreaking iOS devices, and it's obviously something that people like to do, or they fall suggestible to doing so, whereas this is simply a better life to live: as I'm writing about.
Google Drive
Apple iOS Photos
iOS Accessibility
Acoustic Picture Transmit
Virtual ANS
Euclid's Book of the Elements I + III
Pret a Template
Molecule Design
Virtual Room 3D AU Audio Unit
Google Maps
Apple Maps
Ads and Analytics - YES! On! All of them okay!
Significant Locations
Adobe Captivate
Agile Tortoise - Phraseology
Meme-maker for iconic memes
Wells Fargo Bank
Map Area Calculator
Meta + Exif photos
Pro Shot + Perspective Fix
Cross DJ Pro
Licensed iTunes singles of your favicon songs! Perhaps futurebass mix 2 * and chill trap - YouTube for beats.

Latest post.

A peek at my room at the Russ Hotel.

  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts