iPigeon.institute blog
Helping make pigeons our friends in Downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA + iPigeon tech, lifestyle, commentary, and art.
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Monday, February 17
Pigeon Box Art and Pigeon-Related Art Commissions Around the Greater Los Angeles Area. [Updating: now, with Pigeons and Friends]
What’s the difference between a damascenone and a damascone? A Personal Journey Through Fragrance, and the Literature.
You might be tempted to research and add one of the damascones to your cart (or wish list), instead of trying out damascenone total, itself, but the reality of the situation is that: these aren’t typos that snuck in to the supply chain of retail aroma compounds, although that might be the most common folly, in this situation; it got me, for example, and for years I went about not knowing and discerning between a damascenone versus the various damascones that there are - in other words, I thought that these were typos (the difference in spelling, between one and the other), and that these two distinctions were part of the same family and classification of fragrances. Not until just several hours prior, before preparing this blog article, in fact, did I truly learn and discerned the distinctions and differences between damascenone and the various damascones.
First of all, the difference in use case scenario is fairly large, in this case. I recall a nameless mock-up perfume composition that I threw together with a new haul of fragrance ingredients that I’d procured, and I was relatively new at composing fragrance mock-ups. As such, I had much less familiarity, or sense, for that matter, about the suggestions and or significance of the IFRA limitations upon many various fragrance and flavor compounds, offering guidelines and limits, in percentages, or in “parts per” (million), for example. For that matter, damascenone is used as both a flavor and as a fragrance molecule. In this mockup fragrance composition I had made, years ago, implementing damascenone, I had employed what would be considered an “overdose” amount - the compound is very powerfully fragrant. Here is what the literature has on damascenone.
The article feels timely, seeing as how we’re on the heels of the latest Valentine’s Day, this year (2025).
As well, here is what Google’s AI-augmented search came up with, when I asked what the difference was/is between damascenone and damascones, since I had gotten things mixed and mushed up, in my mind, until just earlier:
Here, although, absent of smelling the aroma compounds in question “in person,” it would be a far cry from simple, to really invoke the senses in a way that would constitute that the readers could mock up damascenone, for one, and the damascones (there’s a few, at minimum). Regardless, we see that it is the case, that the two distinctions are inherently separate families, separate molecular forms, and different classifications of materials, both chemically and in an olfactory sense. I personally have had a former in-person sampling of damascenone 93%, which I employed in the fragrance composition I had touched on, earlier, and, as well, I recently purchased beta-damascone, thinking that that was the compound that I had employed, previously (without checking my receipts, as notes; therefore, I was wrong). Damascenone is, as well as damascone, distinguished, in composition and form, in the “beta” distinction (it’s known as beta-damascenone, and there are different aesthetics, dependent upon the degree of purity of the beta molecule, versus other variants of the same compound).
The original haul in question, where I purchased Damascenone 93% from the now defunct CreatingPerfume.com (they’re now at CreatingPerfumeStore.com).
Now, having made my recent mistaken step, in trying to reclaim some of the scent legacy that I had once created, just for the olfactory nostalgia’s sensibilities of the situation, but also, that I felt that that particular historic nuance of the fragrance composition I made would be a distinguished role to fulfill in my latest composition, Eau Pigeonoid (I lost my fragrance collection, years ago, when my belongings, including over 300 fragrance ingredients and oils, were swiftly removed from my possession. As such, I “miss” some of my fragrance compositions that I’d made). In this case, I’d been feeling that my latest make of Eau Pigeonoid (my latest fragrance composition) is “pretty good,” meaning that it’s tolerable for myself, and, conceivably, for others, as well. I can tell, because I sometimes have to admit that I find myself stuck, at times, with fragrance compositions that make me a bit nauseous or embarrassed, being that they don’t smell all that refreshing. Here, I have a pretty good composition that doesn’t make me sick or fatigued; I just feel that the composition could use a bit of smoothing out of some of the slight let-downs that it has, as-is, so I wanted to audition Damascenone Total next to my working composition of Eau Pigeonoid, even though I might only use just a slight amount for it, in the end, I just wanted to sample the two fragrances together, as well as Hedione HC, in which case, I’m opting for the cheaper (and equivalent) Methyl Dihydro Jasmonate HC. Despite that Eau Pigeonoid is touted, currently, as a men’s fragrance, and these are floral-esque (or, moreso floral) effects, I’m just whittling away at slight facets of the fragrance, Eau Pigeonoid, at the moment. Most of the primary and formative work has already been done on it.
02/17/2025 10:11 p.m.
I placed my order for the materials, finally, and I threw in some patchoulol crystals, to see how they are. The price worked out to be just right, for my budget.
As an aside, I have some other oils on order from Sheer Essence, on Amazon. I checked out their website, as well, to view their full catalog, and, in this case, I ended up going with a bottle of cardamom essential oil, as well as Melissa officinalus. Right now, I have a fairly (what I might estimate to be) aldehydic fragrance, with recent additions of vanilla, pink pepper, beeswax absolute, and a “named” aldehydic mandarin scent, with Mandarinal. It’s somewhat reminiscent of the type of quality that a Dior fragrance might have, yet it brings out the sensual side of my days, as a quick reminder, here and there, of an animalistic nature, lying beneath the surface (probably also owing to that I haven’t done laundry in a very long time - although, I did a quick run, to make sure I wasn’t too bum, just the other night). What I mean is that body odors would arise, in my senses and periphery, yet, fragranced with the sweetened odors of beeswax absolute and other components, I found it compelling (I know, doesn’t everyone, of themselves?). Anyways, I’m currently cleaning my room. I ordered a new mattress, and it’s a size upgrade, so I have to move and repurpose a bunch of stuff in my room, on this evening.
In fact, I suppose, on second thought (now that I gather my thoughts, a bit), that Eau Pigeonoid was slightly built upon a supposition of that I could, at this stage, in my perfumery knowledge, make a slight mockup of something that smells somewhat like Dior Homme Sport, so I guess that that rightly stood as some of my formative inspiration, in crafting Eau Pigeonoid. Now I’m going with some Cardamom and Melissa, some damascenone and Hedione, with a dash of patchoulol crystals, if it suits; attempting to craft a bit of spicy, a bit of lemon freshness, and I want to fill out and round out the woods, with an aim to barter good intentions for near-cosmonaut euphoria highs, upon smelling my own fragrance (Hopefully? That’s my goal, anyways, with this stuff). I’m hoping that Damascenone and Hedione HC are perhaps the missing actors in making my fragrance composition a fine show of things.
The reason I reopened this project was a drive to explore the undiscovered (by myself), which is always the case, when procuring and experimenting with new aroma chemicals and fragrance compounds. Even if it’s a familiar scent, that I’ve encountered, or know, from experience, smelling it as a bottled product, ready for mixing, is a whole other experience. By the way, I do highly recommend Sheer Essence for procuring some fundamental essential oils, carrier oils, etc. You might be thinking, “well, they ship from India, how do I know it’s good? What if it takes a long time?” The answer to those fears are that, surprisingly, the packages take a much shorter time than expected, and the quality of their oils is fantastic. I recommend that readers try them out. They’re perhaps one of the best bargain merchants in the entire world of natural fragrance materials - not that bargain, here, means “cheap.” As I said, it’s surprising; both the quality of the oils, as well as the promptness in receiving the shipment. Perhaps a week or two, at most, to receive it in the United States. As you can see, from the screenshot below, I ordered a fragrance on the 6th, and I reviewed it, after receiving it, on the 14th of the same month, or earlier than that, that I received it and reviewed it.
Friday, January 31
Walking and Metro Ride Tours of the DTLA Pigeon Flocks.
Are you a local or visiting nature lover? Curious about getting to know the town’s pigeon flocks? Care for a unique and unforgettable wildlife sensory experience? Now, you can book walking and L.A. Metro ride tours of Downtown Los Angeles’ pigeon flocks, and get a chance to get close up with the birds, and perhaps you’ll get to hand feed them and handle some of them in the process. Tours cover several flocks spanning much of DTLA, over the course of a late morning or early afternoon, with opportunities to photograph, feed, and, potentially handle (some of) the birds in the process. I’ll show you my personal methods for feeding the birds, and it’s the perfect day trip excursion for bird and wildlife lovers, or for the wildlife-curious, at that. Tours take around 2 hours (recommended), and the buyer names the price (you’d have to book online, however, unless you somehow catch me in person for this deal). Tours include local and recent historic insights and lore regarding the flocks, and the town’s relationship with each flock, uniquely so.
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Here’s your chance to see the pigeons up close and personal, alongside their primary handler (some of them). |
Pigeon pecking idle game.
Enjoy my first ChatGPT-assisted pigeon game. In this game, the player pecks the seeds by clicking on them, thus gaining points.
Friday, January 10
Baby pigeon’s first day out with the flock. (LAPL Central Branch).
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Here’s baby pigeon, on the lower right portion of the photo. Today was his first day out, that I’ve seen him. |
The pigeon flock at the Downtown LA’s Los Angeles Public Library, Central Branch, feature just one newcomer baby pigeon, for the past year’s late season mating period. I noticed him squeaking around, on the ground, below me, as I gave the birds their lunchtime daily meal. This baby was pretty adept at taking care of himself, already, as far as eating goes. Sometimes the baby birds don’t know how to eat food on their own, yet, when they come out with the flock, while they’re still young, and they go around squeaking for help, to the older birds. This one knew how to peck for his food. He hasn’t learned to preen himself, yet, though, so his feathers were a bit ruffled. When the flock was done eating, they flew off, almost in unison, as they typically do, although baby pigeon wasn’t quite used to being in sync with such a nuanced trait of flock behavior, yet, so he stayed behind, for several seconds, probably wondering at what had happened, but eventually, he flew off, to join the rest of the flock.
I didn’t try to intervene in baby pigeon’s mealtime and first day out, with the birds. Pigeons are naturally frightened of humans, as wild birds, on account of our size differences. I figure that if baby pigeon is meant to be a show bird, he’ll learn the behaviors from the members of the flock who have been showing confidence and dominant behaviors towards me, lately, in that they started using me as a perch, which you can see in the next blog post. This had just started recently, and some of the more senior members, such as Snooker, the senior Pakistani High Flyer of the flock, even took on this advantageous behavioral trait, for themselves, just to try it out, and he perched on my arm, for a moment, before flying off. I say advantageous because the ones that perch on me stand to be rewarded with premier picks of the meal supply, provided in my hand, for them to peck out and nibble on. In some cases, when they perch on me, as multiple members of the flock, they flout their pigeon idiosyncrasies and social order behavioral traits, such as competitiveness over who gets to pick the food out of my hand, or not, and who gets to stand where.
This behavioral paradigm is promising, as it suggests that some members of the flock have become quite comfortable around me, for themselves fact that I’m the primary feeder of the flock. With this being the case, some newcomers to the flock adopted this behavioral trait of flying up on me and perching on my arm, or climbing over my grocery and food bags, and my legs, while I’m seated on the ledge, to feed them. The fact that Snooker tried out perching on me, the other day, was a subsequent promising gesture, on top of that birds started perching on me, at all, since previously, before a few weeks ago, or so, this trait did not exist, in the flock. It makes for a unique sensory experience for human participants; offering the hand, to hand feed the birds, and feeling their feathery texture of the birds’ crop area, above the chest, and just below the throat, as they peck frenetically and pick out which seeds or peanuts they’d like to eat. It’s a humorous thing to be so close to the action of their meal time, since they have poor manners, and they even jump on top of each other, shoulder their way in, and stand on top of each other, even, to get to the food supply. Sometimes, the birds even prefer to eat out of my hand, since it’s more efficient than eating off of the ground, which is their other option. I figure that baby pigeon might likely some day take part in this social behavior of the showier birds in the flock, and I’ll just be patient and reinforce the occurrences of repeating this feeding ritual, for display, for the other birds to perhaps mimic, each and every one of them, that feels like it. Beyond that, I feel that it would be a new challenge, to bring discipline and orderliness to their meal time. Meal time is where they really go wild, after all, which is part of the entertainment value of feeding the pigeons, to begin with.
Now I have a new training gesture to offer the birds; holding my arm out, parallel to the ground, to stand as a perch, for the birds, and some of the birds accept it, and readily and playfully fly up on my arm and perch there, to demonstrate and participate in this training. It was a heartwarming moment, on this day, when a disfigured-legged pigeon flew up to perch on my arm, to eat food out of my hand. It showed that even physical disfigurement, from former misfortunes in life, doesn’t discourage the birds from trying out new behaviors, in interacting with their caretakers and handlers by perching on them, to receive hand-fed meal portions.
Friday, December 27
Pigeons eating sandwiches at the library. (Photo blog)
Some of the pigeons have been doing pretty neat things, lately, during their meal time. One of them hops up on my arm and perches there to eat out of my hand. This is new behavior, as of the past couple of weeks, or so.
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Latest post.
Pigeon Box Art and Pigeon-Related Art Commissions Around the Greater Los Angeles Area. [Updating: now, with Pigeons and Friends]
An ongoing online exhibition featuring visual odes to the pigeons that I've discovered, or happened upon, as a trekker of many streets a...

iPigeon.institute’s most popular recent blog articles and posts
Enjoy my first ChatGPT-assisted pigeon game. In this game, the player pecks the seeds by clicking on them, thus gaining points.
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Welcome to the iPigeon.institute online slight exhibition and annotations for the Sticker Time sticker collection. The "Friends" T...
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Some of the pigeons have been doing pretty neat things, lately, during their meal time. One of them hops up on my arm and perches there to ...
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These are all images that have previously been shown and published, here on iPigeon.institute, and elsewhere; it's just that I set out...
Here’s baby pigeon, on the lower right portion of the photo. Today was his first day out, that I’ve seen him. The pigeon flock at the Dow...