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Showing posts with label cartooning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartooning. Show all posts

Friday, February 28

Pretty pigeon, fluffy feathers.

I would term this “kitsch;” (perhaps, - :/ .. ) yet charming: I’d say, for its playful, candid, yet charming and affectionate [that it were, for the sake of the fact that the bird had distinguished itself before me, ahead of the boundaries stayed at by the rest of the flock, as though it were wittingly posing as the pretty bird, and that he’d been brought up of virtuous establishments and charms of his plumage, that he ought demonstrate and appeal upon me, as the morning’s caretaker of the animal’s daily necessity of, and significant life’s formative pursuit [of a pigeon, and it’s companions in the flock] - of discovering food, that he is also a good bird; for me, a personally touching moment, in that I had regularly frequented the Grand Park grounds, in years past, as a homeless person who was, then, and now, and from the time therein, between when I had taken upon myself the promise to nurture the local flocks of sparrows and pigeons, such that were found at the park, and as well, in other areas in DTLA, and outlying localities where I’d come across flocks and establishments of  [somewhat] “homed,” (I estimate, colloquially an amateur of the richer and obvious context of a more well-domesticated and intentionally localized, through nurturing, over years, of effecting a lofted (perhaps) establishment of pigeons), that might be more imaginably relevant, within a personal context, given urban society, of that we acknowledge that people in other urban metropolises have established trained flocks of pigeons, for racing, for show, for messaging, etc. 

In all of the richer context of what might be understood of the charm of the photographic composition, and of the story of that the bird might be seen to have been intelligently attempting to “woo“ me of a more consistent affections and cares to be offered to them, it’s fairly deeply much more tenderly sentimental, in that I’d, at times, have become ineffectual, forgetful, neglectful, detracted from, or thwarted in - various claims, all amounting to that I had neglected to return to the common establishments of the various flocks, around town, that I could regularly and capably fulfill my commitments to them, and that the purpose of such things were that I would expect that the birds would perform slight miracles of animal behavior for people to admire, of them, for having been cared for, and nurtured, of my participatory influence and small acts of attesting to the virtues of perseverance in seeing the promises carried out, on a gradual, and measured basis - attesting to the religious connotation of establishing a serenity amongst the surroundings of nature among us, and of God’s creatures, that the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi is carried forth, in our common societal mind, as classically relevant and emblematic of an unending foundation of what goes to be carried forth, in life, and society, of that we accept Christ and his teachings, and his notable followers, throughout time, as constantly needful identities in and of ourselves, to discover, and praise, for the natural and spiritual truths that the hold in our lives, that we might, in that Saint Francis is a popularly celebrated saint of our nation’s embrace, and understanding. 
as one significant context. The other, I imagine (having become distracted, for touching upon the more important context of religious significance in our commonly spiritually destitute lives, in urban society - [and doing it long-winded, at that] {hopefully within grasp of comprehension, though} - that this bird was, indeed, one of my ones that I’d cared for, in previous years, and how personally at detriment I’d become, of battling through irreverent and seditious human affairs, to the failure of loving kindness and nurturing, of which the (aside <_ -="" a="" addressing="" all="" and="" as="" asunder="" at="" attesting="" been="" bird="" bitterly="" but="" care="" carrying="" cast="" center="" contexts="" decree="" demand="" diet="" disavowed="" effecting="" end="" environment="" ethical="" fearfully="" field="" finest="" font="" for="" forth="" friends="" go="" gone="" grounds="" had="" have="" i="" in="" is="" issue="" it="" knowledge="" lack="" locales.="" many="" me="" minds="" mouths="" native="" needful="" needs="" not="" nurturing="" obviously="" of="" on="" other="" our="" performance="" perhaps="" pigeons="" positive="" psychology="" reinforcement="" s="" sake="" sciences="" so="" social="" sparrows="" support="" surrounding="" sustainability="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" things="" to="" understanding="" unfed="" upon="" urban="" was="" we="" weeks="" well="" would="">

In summary, the bird seemed to intelligently attempt, in a common bird’s psychologically natural manner, in preening himself, in evincing affections upon me, for the promise of returning more regularly for a feeding, of his formerly more consistent expectations that I would have been seen to have fulfilled for them, when I lived amongst them, on a day-to-day basis, as that I lived outdoors, nearby and within the same park, itself, which they’d since have had established some community and charm, of that the sparrows accompany the pigeons, as well - and that they have their own amusing and individual species’ manner of eating the bread, or tucking it away, for collecting, as the little ones do. 

Friday, January 17

The decay of literary and illustrative artifacts of on on släbed’en jaunted AF of most of of on of Hibachi AF of on släde.

These artifact, from my earlier blogging years on Tumblr, are from Spring 2017, I believe. They’d been living in my backpack, mostly, since that time, or on the wall, or within a stack of papers. The decay and damage from handling highlights the need for astute development in digitizing significant works of dharmic dictaphone transcription when artistic merit has been ignited, within a user base of a common kitsch.

Oftentimes, the original impetus behind a work is wrought, time and again, in efforts to recapture the inspiration that spun an original work, of a timely and well-attuned gesture, or motive, as it’s known in music theory. In ink brush illustration, as well as in au jour dictaphone renderings of speaking in tongues, or highly-insightful and effectively delivered speech of intelligentsia nature, the stakes at hand are such the same, as they are incidentally (at times) made beautifully (and rarely so) as singular works of spiritually enlightened works. 
I happen to not be significantly creatively and technically skilled, of an offhand consideration, well enough to render, by hand and by memory, much of any of a classical sort of work,  that would be considered, as such; much, lately. I don’t practice either. Not often, that is, although I do spend a lot of time poring over aesthetically valuable works and various other sorts of offerings of technical, impact marketing, symbolic, or artistic efforts in my studies for the sake of furthering my endeavors of app and enterprise development, and to create gestural finery when I might be able to (very commonly due to stimulation). [I am constantly reminded, by means of my lifestyle, of my relative and humble position in communing and portraying these works]. On some level, there’s stages of threshold glass ceiling in what I could aught be able to achieve, for any foreseeable given span of time. 
Hmm. I’ve been working, now, about 5-6 straight shifts, but I’ve made sure to [this morning] take my medications, turn off the hot pot {heater ad hoc}, and attend to all reasonable demands and | or expectations I’d be best suited for, in that the suggestions had been laid in at me like that, for various reasons. At some point, - . . . is always happening, during this course of work scheduling. It’s been an effective mode of productivity. Blog hits are at a sustainably moderate level of ‘more than before,’ and things ‘seem’ sustainable, as long as I remember to keep a well-composed trail of things that reliably portray ‘fluff,’ valuated content, or finery, depending on one’s disposition distinctiveness of perspective, on the portrayal of things. So, some things are simply works of upkeep, such as maintaining my ionic periphery catalysm salts and digitizing works of analogue creation, or re-analogizing digital re-creations of originally digital works by the various means offered, through handmade means. In the digital world, everything is a step-by-step process. 
I suppose that’s enough. Here are the artifacts; this is what they look like, and are left as, after the artistic and development process has laid in through them, of my enterprise.

On the other hand, looking forward, very quick, here - I have two works of inspirational ad hoc discovery: what appears, to me, to be a near-3D rendering of my existing round logo [something more to follow up on;  potentially after rest, in a day, or so: and the baby hummingbird in hand, which I handed over to a parentally [directly a parent of a child, already] responsible individual, whereas I was heavy-laden with physical burdens. Hopefully the bird survived the trauma of leaving the nest just fine, in the end, but it is a beautiful thing of folkloric epiphany and inspiration - the bird in the hand, as it makes it way in to line art form.

Trying to figure out which one is better?

Wednesday, May 16

Cartoon Process (On Line Art)

 - Dans les après-étudiés que cette series-journées predicate.

Creating people-friendly cartoon mockups: for largely untalented artists.

[Contextual preface: This slight one-off treatise in care-of developing line art iconic « social populism-given(ed) » gras d’recursively recombinant-as « had already: has-had been - had happened was (quotably [S-T.R. F#cker {vogue} (burger burger) - once-twice: presenting as have you] » recently scraped « pop » popular culture « fated memes », as might I have imagined in establishing a rote causally casually-correlative Process-Aesthetic assuredly [given] Data-Science era Machine-Learning ML API and SDK semantically hash-relevant needs-to have had been met, for strictly cross-checked and-as discussed in via (this very) preface: contextually arrêté à récursif dans « R » programming statistics-sûrement algorithmically astute - aesthetics-cleared hash valuation; yet, thankfully, all things, given grammar « arrête » and onwards - socially populism - gras-des-les-gens-populaire « c’était l’approuver » the valuation:kitsch well-enough <...> programmatic value good enough to fluff-sérieuse as srsly: serious fluff, while meanwhile, first of all, establishing « at-as minimum » French modernism relatedly (perhaps parents like it) - kitsch art aesthetics, all things valuation considerably arrêter-also inclusive of « of all things » - lé lycéen français, as if to boot, c’est parce qu’il non?

Socially accessible, for the common n’est que ce pas entendre français as « even », yet contextually-relevant récursive considerably arrête, by perhaps an 1.944 division-point decimal distribution of ratio-concomitant -as received competency stated standards had(s) establishment, via the means of the iconic-by-standards Line Art valuation of a self-mock-up aesthetics meme-able relevance index that heralds at minimum: the pro-sociable viability of a Fashionable Bum Athleisure Technical Institute valid actual visibly:bum coffee table small-talk 5-minute craigslist personals kitsch romance « within-bounds » standards-considerate standards-internationale astute development ops-progress as would-be, as seen - a late 201X A.D. definitively populism rote standards establishment, as circa @ # hashtag data science trending topic via social media.

In short, aesthetics appreciably standard arrête enough for a data science geeks aficionados crowd.


  • Photo - Post shot processing - vectorize; posterize, reduce, render - || post - machine phaze || - (perhaps) - Draw by hand: choose a reduction, i.e. ink brush, line art, (2 colors / monochrome), posteriz, pointillage, crosshatch || or - || chose a render from a stylized quick app thing, such as is common on mobile platforms of operating systématique || post-pwning thé art phase || 
  • Keep the drawing on hand, disseminate it to social media using Instagram to test the social commerce and popular, random affection for the image, based on # hashtags. (Usually 5-10 likes within an hour, posted late, on a Saturday night) - is: a fairly reasonable popularity measure and / or it is a gauge of the aesthetic worth of the image itself.

  • is it iconic? Could you make an app icon out of it? Would it look good as a stencil? (Woodcut?) Is it suited for greater things than local propaganda? 
  • Ostensibly, the image should simply look « alright », at minimum, since it is started by photo and machine-render processes [ad hoc à les choses postériorités de leurs]. If it doesn’t look good, the the composition was lacking, to begin with. 
  • Good line art makes for a reasonable personality template to jaunt from, as the artist creates successive hand-wrought attempts at recreating the original; ostensibly by working within the humble (and somewhat unprofessional dream boy / girl ethos of how I, myself do / did the [« original Olde English 800 »] Trump 2017 Pidgy Chicken. It was a ‘lit-by backlight’ trace of a reasonably pure original of a machine-rendered image, « post - » ‘everything’ I could throw at it: here, done with a little more boundaries, a lot more discretion in the control over the bleed, hand-drawn scribble of the ink brush strokes, which lead to humorous, visibly « near-reaching » nods of the hat to an ostensibly universally-known real-world iconic figure: Donald Trump, as Pigeon-Chicken.

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