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Showing posts with label interrogation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interrogation. Show all posts

Monday, July 9

Regalgalafickenechneyapalum -tous -tous; coming to terms with...

[okay] standard-train adulting into a new standard age demographic (18-35) -post mid-level "tas-tastic" era lively ones on shuttle iffy-jaunt post pop-star party "street kids"


still: we do ours - Taylor Swift on Rolling Stone 

but wait...

I was raised on the Bible. So much becomes so proxi-auf-neuf-bits-emotionally subjectively promethazine on a lean (bad one) - 

switch to objective puh-fuff-svstication - talking bout sex was not on the menu.

The English Standard Version New Testament {learn about the disparities in proper 



as towards a distinction Brexit American English: via}

English Standard Version random opening verse and a read: a vast scurvy tide's pull-in of the Atlantic's finest:fish and shrimp, battered in hen's eggs and rolled grains - but you? Shit you're talking? This is a break out stance demographic adulting control subject standard deviation sober coffee talk analyst's divergence persona by standard's expectance rate: pretty typical, in contrast. A forensics of psych-crime GFYS standard assessment trivial novelty-trite dickens-scratch Libya autonomy fluff-roosters:contend. [for the 3rd degree, (disambiguation) lack thereof pro - auth - subjective take on:at task].

Anecdote of MFT truthing of drugs and truth of drug abuse; accuracy thereof.
  1. stub thought

  • standard basis of my adulting persona 
  • what type of people, why?
  • standards of statistics - relationships
  • fluff of auld-sated: standards of neuf - elf; nouvelle
transliterative semiotic - semantic breakout ans-lation] Le Lycee Francais
cette par vous frait donnez-mes, il'est top conderamazement, we use etiquette, standard fluff

  • nous - novel nous v'elle we to her -- we (new) to her
  • : presenting a standard mockup one-off guy for practical considerations: I just got thrown in jail for a week, and I have 100 hours community service to do, also.
Jeanne d'arc - constititularuent prototypical French sainted figure: break down and out semantics and folklore to fluff demographics deviance

- park folklore, part trieste, part fluff - when did it happen?
- off - hand, not sure, but France, as it stands, is autiguinomously farced with living down its such-tosuppose peasantry finery aux-d'estates that it were; being a center of enlightenment and colonialism, did, at times, find the French establishment lacking in resources with which to fend off notable jaunts as towards a new, more flex recontre coup d'etait il coutrements that France had been reputable for, in neighboring imperial and sociopolitical upheavals. In essence, in being the progenitor of many an early modern period cultural heritage namesake t uphold, various geographical considerations of jaunting same old pigeons-feeding territory would come to laid-waste-to, and a Frenchman, many a pigeon fletch scrum jaunteded-AF buntiglios searching the nooks and the sidewalks or corners, inevitably pursued the next, most bold-AF jaunt: somewhere else.


Friday, June 8

Nuclear evolutionary establishments abound in pigeons underneath the jet stream

Can these sidewalk pigeons smell better now? It seems like they sniff around like dogs. The dark German Shepherd-like dog was out prolifically last night; he checked on me so constituently faithfully as the narrative in my head told thereof. It was so exciting, somewhat frightening; to be at the center of some happening in establishment; and the consequences were inexplicable in scale, for a pigeon lover. On some hand, finding a huge box and bag full of bright ladies' stylistic-aesthetics-clothing stuff was amazing, but wearing it out while risking my balls on blast way beyond valid scope that I'd accustomed to; as towards balls on blast discussion, it was getting old. I'm off hand a bit serious whereas most people seem to take it as a joke. It was, in a real sense; a frightfully toyed-about concept. It baffles my mind, absolutely.

I'm trying to maintain my straight vision and sensible-bounds-keep-self aptitude about me, as a complete amateur in what exactly I was doing; I wasn't sure about it much at all, to begin with, to be honest. Turns out that I had inadvertently established some sort of ionic mineral water content that is valuable in nuclear jet stream physics. As the narrative developed, I nervously followed orders and it was kinda sorta whoa, okay, that's a lot of uhh, uncommon stress and purported responsibility to pull it off properly. As a concomitant comprehensive hindsight exercise, it was, in effect, some yellowish, urine-like, yet tasteless fluid. "They" told me that it was kerosene developing, and then there was a drama involving some guys I had been hanging out with previously, and I had to arrange a bag to assist in someone's escape route. I added Tide Fresh and Clean. Popped up on a Hispanic TV Novelas / Vanidades magazine cover as a doppelganger, they said I was using cocaine. I was trying to do better, I would explain; all the time. I'm not an unfeeling person. The silliness of the drama is affecting my performance, and I'm generally one of the top minds in discussion, as far as people I've known. I'm not really trying to help out; I'm trying to get my place clean already, it's been 5 complete months, and there's dirt all over the floor. My spiritual mentor as a physical being-representative person-in life; I dunno. I don't even really talk to him, in a sense; there's a chance I might get some strange takes on stuff I consider standard, for me.

I hope I did alright; I'm a bit scared as towards fitting in and doing things alright. I am dressed like a girl, and that in and of itself could be a seriously knee-jerk basis to take on popping up unexpectedly on late night way new stuff going on, like they caught me acting childish. In general, though, no. I've been pretty hop-to-it with the trying-to-get serious, and then my iPad got taken, and then I found out I'm dragged in to part of this drama of other nations-as-well sorts of stuff.

They tell me I'm aught to take off on a plane; perhaps it'll be so. I've got to pack. Maybe just as a perhaps, though. I might be getting "punked" like they expected better of the standard. There was some talk up of Taco Bell having had some strange basis in my life; such that I am CEO of the company - quotables. I did find a Taco Bell Women's shirt, but that was with the rest of the clothes. I'm not considering that end, on any reasonable basis I can talk up some viable sustainable support mechanism as towards.

Phew. Time's up at the Mark Twain Library in South LA for this session.

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