iPigeon.institute blog: easter sunday 2019

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Showing posts with label easter sunday 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easter sunday 2019. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21

The transliterative word intensive is likened to hearing the sprighteningly sparrow's squabble at morning, or at shop.

It is considerate of recombinate features that sincile a due-to-forth unferstanding of the imperative-ness-aietivity unsecle-supposed, ... Ahem... Of the at-hand.

Its, ...

To attest to -

The at-hand :

- of feeding the sparrows, at minimum, as a stated expectation,

- typically; would follow :


Some pigeons as well.

Some mentioning of the pidginHub.app[space] undersranding of what it means to be properly pidgin, in English. (With plenty of emphasis on feeding the birds, as well).

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