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Showing posts with label coconut oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coconut oil. Show all posts

Friday, December 13

iPigeon nutrition moment: eating food from the Eternal Ark of Covenant Parish Food Bank: Buffalo steaks au Françaíse-flambeaux (rare) avéc l'huille de cócó,

At the local food bank, here in 90003, on Broadway, Saturday mornings, there is an overabundant plethora of meats available for distribution to the needy. 

I'm clearing out my freezer and fridge, and I'd been putting off trying out the buffalo. (Now my gas stove isn't working); 

I've decided to go French on this meal, while keeping in tradition with some of the historic methods of preparation of this sort of meat:

I've determined I should coconut-oil spray-flambeaux the round-tipped steaks to a rare-to-medium-rare, which is suitable, according to Yankee Farmer's Market's tips for cooking buffalo meat.

 ... along with a modern-day take on how buffalo has been incorporated (popularly) in our diets, (at least, here on the west coast: as chicken is commonly prepared): with sauce flavorings; perhaps a glaze. I decided to go with a honey-mustard curry glaze, to use the cooking materials I have, at the moment.

How hot is a coconut oil spray flambeaux? I'd consult Wikipedia. 

The Google OmniBox Search Bar in Safari.

Turns out that The Globe and Mail blog has the top hit for this investigation in to Smoke point. I'm going to skip researching smoke point and see what it has to do with flambé.

Coconut oilSmoke point: 350 degrees F. Use for sautéeing and baking. It's high in saturated fat (86 per cent). The saturated fat in coconut oil raises LDL (bad) blood cholesterol, but not nearly to the same extent as butter.Sep 28, 2015

People also ask

Web results

Template:Smoke point of cooking oils ... Coconut oil, Refined, dry, 232°C, 450°F. Coconut oil, Unrefined, dry expeller pressed, virgin, 177°C, 350°F. Corn oil ...
The smoke point, also referred to as the burning point, is the temperature at which an oil or fat ... Castor oil, Refined, 200°C, 392°F. Coconut oil, Refined, dry, 232°C, 450°F. Coconut oil, Unrefined, dry expeller pressed, virgin, 177°C, 350°F.


Cooking Tips for Buffalo

Buffalo meat is naturally tender and extremely flavorful. However, the taste and tenderness of the meat is directly related to how the meat is cooked.

The buffalo meat should be cooked slowly at low to medium temperatures. Buffalo meat cooks faster than beef. As there is no fat to act as an insulator to the meat, the meat is cooked directly.

Recommended cooking range is rare to medium and internal temperatures should be 135 degrees - 155 degrees Fahrenheit.


Buffalo steaks come in a wide variety of cuts, all comparable with beef. Most butchers and/or meat producers will cut steaks to customer specifications (1”-1 1/4” are preferred).

Methods of cooking steaks include: grilling (outdoor or on top of stove), pan sautéing, broiling, and stir frying. Do not overcook; readjust thinking as well as the heat source.

Grilling time will vary depending on the temperature of the coals and whether the meat is placed on or off the rack. An instant read thermometer comes in handy for outdoor grilling. Remember to pull the steak off or out of the heat when it is slightly rarer than you like. The steaks will continue to cook when it is out of direct heat.

Steaks do not need additional liquid, sauces or marinades unless desired. Frequent turning of the meat is recommended. 

I decided that my method of preparation would end up as that I'd need to figure out the amount of minutes I'd need to flambeaux the steaks.

Place the steaks on the grill and cook until golden brown and slightly charred, 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the steaks over and continue to grill 3 to 5 minutes for medium-rare(an internal temperature of 135 degrees F), 5 to 7 minutes for medium (140 degrees F) or 8 to 10 minutes for medium-well (150 degrees F).



now I've determined that this actually is a fish, since it did look like a salmon steak, to begin with.

Bigmouth buffalo

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Bigmouth buffalo
Bigmouth Buffalo.jpg
Bigmouth buffalo male
Scientific classificationedit
I. cyprinellus
Binomial name
Ictiobus cyprinellus
(Valenciennes, 1844)
  • Sclerognathus cyprinellaValenciennes, 1844
The bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) is a fish native to North America. It is the largest North American species in the Catostomidae or "sucker" family, and is one of the longest-lived freshwater fishes, capable of living beyond 110 years.[2] It is commonly called the gourd headredmouth buffalobuffalofishbernard buffaloroundhead, or brown buffalo,. Despite the superficial similarity, the bigmouth buffalo is not a carp, nor is any other catostomid.

The bigmouth's native distribution is confined to the countries of Canada and the United States of America. In Canada, they inhabit the Milk River which flows through Alberta, and the Qu'Appelle River which flows through Saskatchewan and Manitoba into Lake Winnipeg. Beginning in the northern United States, they are native to Iowa, South Dakota and, Minnesota, more southern states include eastern Texas and Oklahoma. The major drainages where they are found in include Lake Erie, the Ohio River, and Mississippi River drainages. From these drainages, they are found into Arkansas, the Gulf region of Louisiana, and down the Tennessee River into Alabama. The introduction of bigmouth has been largely done for commercial purposes. Regions of reintroductions include some reservoirs along the Missouri River drainage of North Dakota and Montana. Regions of introduction include some reservoirs in Arizona, and within California, they have also been introduced to the aqueduct system of Los Angeles.[7]

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