iPigeon.institute blog: materials recycling

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Showing posts with label materials recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label materials recycling. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26

On Boxing Day (December 26th), a gracious several findings of the streets, have I.

Boxing Day,  although a Canadian Tradition, turns out to be a fortunate time to hit the streets for some dive-finds. 

Today,  I found a nice and new goose down pillow, 

A nice thin hoodie | sweats | gloves combo, 

 and a small box of batch-made chocolates from The Monastery of the Angels,  in Los Angeles. 

It was a good day for collecting recyclables,  as southern California has been experiencing some extreme weather conditions, partly due to nature,  yet curiously enough,  last week's nuclear waste disposal in to the ocean by the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant seemed to have caused an ionic wind,  here in Los Angeles (at least,  I felt that it was correlative, from my perceptive disposition,  on the day that the news came out about it). It's been particularly cold, with some of the days being mild, yet I don't go outside, lately,  without wearing at least 2 sweater layers,  and typically 4 layers,  with thermal underwear long johns underneath.  

All in all,  it was a good day. Thanks,  everyone who contributed,  I'll make sure to redistribute some of the finds I found once I can get them in to the washer and dryer.  

A look at the route I took through Echo Park,  Silverlake, and DTLA. 

Sunday, August 12

A short summer walk's recyclables jaunt pulls in some impressive guano aside and discarded tobacco. [Photos]

I came across a freeway underpass with a particularly rich abundance of pigeon guano,

So I collected it, upon considering that I might otherwise neglect it and it could possibly be cleaned up before I come back to it.

I found several dumps of cheap cigar tobacco and a bone-dry pigeon corpse. I found the corpse compelling for creating and developing towards a future Kunstkamera Museum, perhaps, of pigeon-lore.

I also found a nice 4-tier stacker table to later organize my coconut guano air-curing receptacles with the aim of establishing a special variety Nicotiana tabacum varietal, later on this year, or next planting season.

The guano haul weighs about 10-15 pounds. It's a particularly biologically active, vile mess of guano and fluff, right from underneath a freeway overpass, and I would swear that the disease organisms are ready to infest any living creatures nearby. I'm fortifying with ionic minerals and antibiotics; me and the pigeons. I'm considering perhaps putting the materials through a slow roast right away to kill any living creatures and their eggs.

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