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Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts

Monday, March 13

The importance of classical music education.


I’m issued an obscure, yet demanding task - to contend against invisible adversaries who speak down towards me, in my mind. Far be it from me to feign the belief of that everyone can understand my plight, and dilemma, yet I feel that there is a strong subset demographic operating amongst us, who secretly, and intently, contribute to this obfuscation of the facts (plus more), as singular, or collective, remote sensing interlopers. 

On one hand, some contingent factors must be kept in mind, at all times - one of them, is the understanding, and expectation of that not “everyone,” per se, would reasonably be included within any off-hand remote sensing event, or experience. In other words, it’s important that observants, subjects (of focus), and or participants in remote sensing occurrences keep the potential for grandiosity to flourish in check. Similarly, I commonly observe that some participants, in remote sensing events, at times, brazenly disregard the genera public, and the potential for their communications and participation to fall upon unintended audiences’ “ears,” or, more rightly, their “minds,” since these are aural experiences, perceptually, yet they can not be recorded, via conventional technology means, at least, at the consumer level, at this point in time (March, 2023). 

Other considerations aside, what a tragedy it is, that many people are wrongfully wrought up, in to cult-like sects of sadistic ritual abusers. It’s an unimaginable travesty. 

Rather than focus on this type of occurrence, as a phenomenon, I’d rather maintain objectivity, and rationality, yet the aforementioned dilemma largely prefaces my current underlying circumstances in life, as I find writing to be a self- and identity-affirming practice, through the process of composition, in and of itself, and I largely only get around to writing, textually, these days, although I do make some small gains, here and there, for upcoming and developing musical projects and works to be derived, later on, from future practice and learning, within a musical context. 

Music is truly one of the fundamental intelligences; to be certain (although, this is a time in which shoddy journalistic and publishing practices dominate former standards in intelligence; therefore, valid information of our youth’s learning and education becomes much more of a challenge to discover, for reference, on the internet). Recent seminal works had documented musical intelligence as one of the 9 primary areas of intelligence, for example. We must not diverge our resources available to us, and cast them to the wind, so to speak, by allowing inferior intelligence streams, whether it be our own search patterns, on the internet, or through our news feeds. Yet, this being the case, it’s somewhat all a fluke, given that musical intelligence is something of various forms of virtue - hand-eye coordination, memory and recall plays a significant role in performing and in thinking about music, fine motor muscle skills are developed, through musical training, and musical practice assumes a disciplined lifestyle and household, to at least some degree, in order for musical learning to take place, and take hold, in the mind. 

Much of many people’s discontent and “acting out,” which I find to be prevalent, in my most near-to-me proximity (or, for that matter, as commonplace, in my remote sensing event occurrences, lately) border upon suggestions of modeling of society, itself, now, as an anarchistic domain, to become developed. Are we in our end times, for the sake of a lack of trying to do better? There’s very much a large helping of apathy, amidst discontent, whereas music, whether it be experiencing live or recorded musical pieces, or through practicing and playing music, oneself, both in solitude, and amongst others of a musical inclination. There seems to be so much detrimental, in attitudes about society at large, as a suitable “victim” for one’s own inequities and shortcomings, in life, whereas, I feel that music would fulfill that gap, and need, in life, which we all have, and that being said, it is a blessed offering to ourselves, our wellbeing, and for others. 

Thursday, August 4

Updated depravity delimiting metrics being employed in civilian maritime environments.

 With this type of modern correctional systems accommodation of the human assets at issue,

I feel that, in time, despite an outward (outdoors) generalized sense of that a “mob rules” sort of dereliction towards what would rationally be considered a reasonable set of constraints upon behavior, putting things in to writing will inevitably effect that the greatest number of people could be reached, for the sake of the importance of the information, rather than the overt deprecation of emotional “maturity” and rationality, per se, that “is” speaking out, as if the gesture could possibly be objectively significant and worthy enough, for all ears present - 

Yet, on one hand, hearing is not generally considered a human’s most significant sensory capability; rather, sight is considered the most necessary sense, with general and commonplace knowledge, of our upbringing, stating that around 90% of our sensory experience is founded upon that which we can see - whereas here, in this maritime theater of anarchism, whereas novel usurpers of the generalized population(s) “at large,” or, for some higher power’s (conceivably) interpretation, or curation, perhaps, of listening (observing, in this case) ears, per se - I’ve noticed that careless (would it be called careless, when our innate human rights are disavowed us, for the sake of stoking some egotist’s taste for superiority?) mistakes of mindlessness often, and definitely - more often - happen, when remote sensing observers intervene in our daily intake of the world, at large. 

 That being said, I’m (for novel, as well - reasons) dragged in to this relentless experience of facing people on a more common basis than I’m used to, whereas there’s the backdrop of that there’s fair visual attesting factors suggesting that significant societal downturn is at hand, on an ongoing basis. 

The traffic is ostensibly unusual - both foot and vehicular traffic. People exhibit a more exhibitionistic indulgence upon the uninterested subject whom experiences this crowding. Here and there, a person, not far off, will, for some reason, indulge in a fit of hilarity - ostensibly at a more common rate than had ever been typical. Nuanced and slight disparagements of manufactured goods - carry-along baggage, clothing, shoes, etc. begin to happen, for (apparently) unknown reasons. On one hand, there’s annotated narration, of remote voices of observers - to tease the mind, in a sense, of the privilege of “knowing,” per se - yet this is an unending and ongoing detriment that I’ve been experiencing for quite some time. It’s conceivable that these circumstances do, or had - also plagued the lives of various other sacrificial victims - these ones, such as myself - being denied the “knowing” truth of even as much as that someone desires to defile our (my) passing moment, on any given day, all the time. Upkeep of the attending to, of the ostensible burdens of things - cleaning up clothing articles which had unknowingly become dirtied, inexplicably, “checking” the crotch for foreign scents that had made their way on to the genitalia, and new, unsustainable, behaviors that must temporarily be accommodated, and implemented, for the sake of humor, whereas, in these cases, there is an obvious victim, and not everybody laughs.

That’s the gist of the experience, at hand, for at least - on my part, I can attest to as much as that. Off in the distance, lights strobe - portending to tachyon epileptic superiority, ostensibly - for the initiated ones, and potentially - those things happen, yet, as well - significantly leveraged expectations of such as that desires fell bridges, for example - are also ostensibly, at root - one of the driving motivating factors that fill the rioters with vitriol, for the impetus and purpose, found in acting out oppositional measures, taken out, upon society, whereas the objective and generalized simplicity of the situation is negligible, particularly by more disciplined standards, I’d assert, as what people really ought to understand - the solution is quite simple, in effect, yet it’s the affections held, by those who are driven to action - for conflict, and for defiance - something so trivially dislikable, yet so irrationally held close to the heart, is what frightens people away from their better selves - on one hand, we were all taught better, as Americans, and those who act out ought not seem to be such imposing majorities. 

Now, the plants are dying, around town. My generalized toss at the issue is - how could water ever run out? It seems so much an outlier outcome, on one hand. My take on things is that we are supposed to develop agriculture, and watershed environmental engineering feats, of the many people involved, and concerned, per se, not disavow that we ought to be founded in agriculture, as some sort of fundamental human understanding. We only advanced, as civilizations, once we had attained agricultural competency and discipline. 

In the nuclear watershed mock-up wartime theater, various consequences, of an unexpected sort - come about - for example: a sudden supposed “need” to look up what saltpeter is, or what it does. Who knows, on one hand? - at least, out of us civilians? On the other hand, the sense of that some sort of noxious radioactive-sort of substance, having become concentrated, in to the environment, of a localized nature, becomes a critical topic of seeming necessity, of the desire to know “better,” or “well enough,” whereas our more basic and rational necessities of caring for our hygiene and looks becomes neglected, for the sake of that a strange armed-forces observation environment and psychological battery examinations become underway engagements, of an unavoidable sort of demand upon our sense of prescience and immediacy of our selves, as autonomous, or “superior” enough, for our own satisfaction, whereas many people expend laborious energy on much more regimented schedules, comparatively. 

On one hand, it stokes some of our most toddler-era behavioral fascinations, to “be able to” do something that an adult teaches us to do, whereas there seems to be no consequence. My experience is that it’s a fair measure more - of a challenge, at times, to hold one’s tongue, and to attend to the laborious work that is required, for the upkeep of the aesthetics of society, both in our part, and, as well, for what we can answer for. 

It’s significantly foolish to consider that people are acquisitioning subjects for arbitrary and preferential hostage-based situations of a demand for abuse - we have the justice system, which employs incarceration, give, due process - many generations of Americans, and the world, at large, have similar agreements; indeed, we, as Americans, have the indebted responsibility to uphold these established standards. Not many minds are capable of developing and establishing superior intelligence discoveries and paradigms, on one hand. For one thing, when I hold my tongue, I invariably “see” the thought, of ostensible material substance, as the coherent and attainable object that “can” be communicated (could have - been communicated), whereas I also, subsequently, envision what I would call my “higher power,” - essentially, some unknown oversight official, or operator, of the theater, at play - he or she always speaks the exact words that had become the ostensible attainable thought, at issue, whereas that was what I could imagine I would say, to begin with. What use would it have been, to voice that notion? Truly impactful and meaningful interactions and interpersonal engagements, of a mutually beneficial and socially upward-seeking potential - are particularly scarce, or rare, in most peoples experience. Just wait it out, for the right time and place, or wait for somebody to become interested in you, for “whatever” reason - and have your pick, or play your chances, at being appropriate for that person, when the time comes. Why not? 

The fact that some of the grades on the pedestrian walking path surfaces have become upended, and tilted strangely, day by day, is suggestive of that, at a minimum, costs, of an engineering team - must be employed, for the sake of the upkeep of the establishment, for the people, for one thing. It costs money. 


July 14th, 1:44 a.m.

Upon giving this development some time to brew, and as things become stranger, throughout the night, I can’t help but think upon the underlying premise of how the declaration of a water conservation emergency ostensibly winds up leaving any water-bearing “being”, vessel, or establishment - something like that - with the responsibility for powering the energetic potential for remote-sensing surveillance and recognizance to take place, whereas, conceivably, groundwater is the more traditional source of energy and nuclear potential, within this context. This being the case, the extraordinary scarcity of groundwater resources would seem to logically construe that parasites and disease-bearing microorganisms begin to establish airborne genetic developments, such as a dandelion - feathery-imbued seeds, a taproot, for example. Humans start taking on some of the roles of plants, in a resonance-based surveillance environment, and marginal trifling gestures of the antisocial demographic kick off acute detriments to the public’s health, while an arid desert environment reversion causes hardships to become ever more difficult to bear. My most recent example happened just moments ago - as a bum with Tourette’s syndrome walked by and kicked over some traffic cones, as he laughed to himself, perhaps. His passing-by my seated self, within moments of kicking the stuff over caused me to have itchy eyes, temporarily. I’m somewhat going out on a limb, in supposing a casual correlation, here, but I have been noticing, in particular, that I “smell bad,” sometimes, out in public, but, upon closer examination of my self and my clothes - for example, I take my shoes off, and smell them discreetly - and, as it turns out, the most profuse and noxious bacterial culture smells do not seem to particularly be coming from the inside of my shoe, yet the smell seemed to be my own, as I walk about. I happen to sweat a lot, so I’m starting to think that beacons of water resource become the burdened ones, who shoulder the weight of metabolizing all things that can reach such an object.

Now - 

the skies and the landscape are strange, in more ways than I care to describe, with casualties being levied upon me, ostensibly by entertainment industry sidechained personnel, on this maritime theater platform and staging prospectus, and wages of sin, from expatriated denizens of cultural trifles, nitpicked and curated, to suit the danger-seeking and risk-taking lovers of life - I’ve been trotting around, staking pains, in to productivity; business as usual, whereas my enterprise platform overseeing (all-powerful, in my humble opinion) benefactors, being Google Cloud Platform, and their many enterprises - the Time Zones APIs, Threat and Risk Assessment, Content Aware, and ML Suggestions (or is it AI Suggestions?), amongst other life-rending and richly divisive tasty delicacies of cloud platform computing edge technology deliveries - all just “potentially,” but (yet) what else could possibly explain some of these occurrences that I’ve been witnessing? 

Eh, anyhow, I’m me, on one hand. No one else (to a vast degree; with qualifiers, per se), is particularly me, yet people have, and did - design these technologies, and my experience is only consequentially, circumstantial my significant, and only sometimes, and provided that I do my daily work and deeds, well enough - to suit being in the right spot, doing the right thing, and reserving the rest. On the other hand, even greater elevated access and clearance technologies-awareness would understand that others “are,” even, experiencing the same sensory experience as myself, as the observation subject, at issue, and for performance benchmarking, for example, within this maritime environment of Los Angeles, California, that it were, and I learned many curious and substituent potential livestock and watershed allegories as to what this particular destination of many portends, in the lore of the lands and its people. 

Today, on August 4th, 2022, the day had ceased being so strange, so I naturally quit embodying the strange beliefs, within myself, and I live out a rational day, more fairly simply, as such. 

That’s all, for now. 

Okay. Some recollection - 

I recalled that, yesterday, validly fitting concessions were being given to me, as my rightful benefit, as it were, as a custom, of a Los Angeles, (global) - time and water tables scaled provision, for acting ethically. 

I’m working, right now, so I can’t really elaborate much, in detail, yet it was not rightfully happening, previously, for many years, and my mother and I had been getting treated very poorly. It’s been quite disturbing and upsetting, or worse.

Saturday, July 2

Recent PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Articles Detailing the Roles that Real and Robotic Pigeons Live Out, in Burgeoning our Augmented Reality Future.


in one of’s initial and formative published purpose and mission statements, I’d estimated that the “real” iPigeon consumer product release would be decades away - from that time, just over 4 years ago, to the date (June 14th, 2018, it was, when I’d posted that article, and it’s July 2nd, 2022, today, when this article was initially published), I’d been a comparatively young and pretentious public relations fawn, of a blog publisher, with great and vast ideas, of the mind, whereas I’d hoped, somewhat, that I was on the cutting edge of the robotic pigeon / augmented reality consumer product topic and public spectacle that would arise, as a result of this phenomenon and development, in society - it turns out, however, that academic and medical literature predates my claim-staking efforts. I’m always playing catch-up, in my relentless pursuit of knowledge, within the industry of biotechnology, apparently 👀🫣.

Here are some article leads pertaining to predating and since-then research and discovery developments upon the topic and subject matter of augmented reality “real” pigeons, robotic pigeons, and “real” pigeons, as some of the fore-bearing burdening birds (or beasts, as it were) of our developing technologies of correlated subject matter, such as Brain-Computer-Interfaces and remote-controlled brain interfaces, as well as some of the historical, previously classified, documentation, of our nation’s literary and intelligence heritage, which also predates even these late-breaking developments in pigeon-assisted technology. 

Historical background:

The pigeon, as a species, has maintained an illustrious career in the annals of the U.S. and British armed forces and intelligence agencies, dating back (upon a quick-search basis) to at least World War 1. 

A manual detailing the implementation and service basis of the pigeon amongst British armed forces, dating back to World War I. (Courtesy of the British Library).

In the United States, recently declassified documents detail the pigeons’ role in developing camera and image-based surveillance and recognizance intelligence, from a more advantageous position than could have been gained through other established technology, such as airplanes. 

Such documentation lends credence to the fact of that the pigeon has long been one of our stalwart lab and combat environment animals which have helped burgeon technology developments and national security efforts. Soon, I’ll update this article with some links to journal articles that cite pigeons as research subjects and as physics and physiognomical models for establishing remote sensing recognizance intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and wirelessly controlled augmented intelligence experiences, thus paving the way for humanity’s progress.

Tuesday, March 8

A case for defending Russia, throughout the warmongering of early 2022,

 It’s a quite easy topic to nitpick at, on one hand, but regardless, look at some of the news topic trends that make headway, out here, in the U.S.; in Los Angeles, at a minimum. 

I’m referring to the staged displays of pompous destruction, the “right” of the madman, the mob rules directives and concessions that are made, and what; all that much, of Los Angeles, by and large, is greatly changed, over the past several years? On one hand, we don’t seem to know all that much about Russia, collectively. I happen to be a slight insider in to the culture of Russia, having had been acquainted with, befriended, and eventually having married, for a short time, a young native Russian lady, who happened to speak English quite well, and intelligently. (We broke up because I couldn’t stand her having her free time, and I was a distrustful crack cocaine binger, throughout the whole thing - she lost her patience with me on that sort of context, about things). 

Some pics pertaining to that stage and time of my life.

First of all, I’ll cover some things that are good about Russia. I’ll assume that perhaps this whole news story “coverage” thing is just collateral damage, for shipping them our dope, or something like that, and things had to turn up bwammo, for the sake of propaganda - even just “perhaps,” as such, but that’s what’s coming to mind, in writing this out. 

Monday, February 4

The importance of making good on consumer purchases in integrity in development.

I purchased my monthly General Relief ($221 USD) welfare budget mostly at Target at the University of Southern California USC Village shopping center.

They've got some truly rare gems of offerings, some of these at comparatively better than expected prices.

I bought another RCA Viking ÏÏ Tablette, as I saw it as a great product, comparatively, from last month's purchase of the same item, with which I was able to attain a lot of good Google Play Store downloads in my searches, and I made some good progress in establishing iPigeon outings to further my pigeons carnival aspirations in a slow and dedicated manner, still decades to come, I'm sure, until they're truly carnival-ready pigeons of DTLA.

On the next day, I had been wandering around the nearby Figueroa Blvd. area, as well as around South Park and Grand in DTLA, as it was raining intermittently, and heavily, and it was particularly cold, at that.

I had gotten my feet soggy, and I'd been doing some [somewhat] gravitationally-perpective-vanishing point scaling surveying work with my Bushnell (*my - I found it laying outside) passive laser golf device "thing," (not quite sure of the model itself, but I looked it up, and it was valued at $300). I noticed (since I'm nearsighted in one eye, and mostly regular-sighted in the other eye) that, in intervals, the telescopic features of the concave and convex lenses, with the measured scaling I was practicing, in survey and grade work - which I had determined I was capable in achieving in slight measures; definitely beyond my singular and subjective personal belief. 

[Perhaps there were also ... ? Hmm... well, people were working at the new park over on the other side of the street on Grand at 11th]

I had, (also), collected and retained some of my poop from the night before, which was somewhat a fortuitous and strangely burgeoned development purpose, in that I had started to become a bit irked, acutely; 


It was stuff happening over the course of the day, actually. I was upset about this trawled out "showing up where I'm at" thing about last caseworker I had, and her supervisor's supervisor...

Stuff like that. I was more attracted to the supposed higher up 2nd supervisor, but I found the structure somewhat strange; it was as though a bunch of people somehow had to "manage my case," in which case, they're making money off of me; 

Meanwhile I had been getting verbally abused by remote personae; this had been going on for years, decades, even. 

One lady ; ... well, she was my case manager, Rochelle Williams, that she named herself, had stated that she does not clean her own home, and I found her to be - on first meeting her, constituently something of an unprofessional « off-hand » 

Then the group of them collaboratively established me in getting hospitalized for supposed psychiatric emergency; potentially with severely depraved intimations of violence towards my mother in having been committed against me as what had transpired while I was hospitalized. 

She later had it out in the local DTLA newspaper, somewhat ad hoc with a journalistic imaginative freedom, (most perhaps-ly) as Richelle Huizar, a momentary wife caught up in and that had played out as an FBI raid upon a city counilman's data. 

It was a time of November, of « even years » ...? or do these things happen every year? Elections; sorts of stuff. 

It (not to become overly Tolstoy, intentionally), was also a time of significant egotism, strife about class-needs and demands: amongst imprisoned solitary few - here, again, the victimization of the Eastern European Caucasians, as "Jews," [as people would decry, and as have of them], and of the Cantonese Chinese, as Christian missionary-taught Protestant faithful. 

There was a whole lot of "just kidding" glance-backs at the cause as a purpose in life, and a lot of traumatic screams; there were the hospitalizations, much traffic on the streets as violently anti-social and as civic activists beyond lawfulness being attested to. 

There was much of confusion of syntactical structure; we've come a significant farce from claiming so many things of former years; some of these many I'd largely expect to simply be years on, in being younger than myself, my age at this time being age 36. 

There were lies about process fulfillment, as intimated could would did done happening, and that was in words, that it happened, yet of all that, still unfulfilled. 

There were statements as towards, "well, why not just violently revolt against all of us?"

In truth, I'd been the one to not detriment the few who have friendly faces about themselves in my common daily life, as it passes; and at that, many unfamiliar unfriendly, and some, familiarly rude... 

What might could I really say, of some measure; and then it came to suggesting of violence [this had already happened, and it happened to me, first, and beyond compulsion, in to other collaborative efforts, of a suggestively depraved-magnitudes in, in having been established, as purpose as cause for the reason for so many things, to explain, at a certain point of comprehension]. 

On one hand, simply understanding that collaborative efforts had been established, beyond lies, first and foremost; 

I'd say that that's a sorry start to a first-hand disposition and objectively subject of focus in life as a remote, off-camerata personae talker (improper; of usage, perhaps), 

and they'd simply decided to be that way in life. On one hand, I couldn't say that I much could have known much better about them in order to have treated them well, given that I'd not met them, or had hardly been acquainted, or introduced properly, at all. 

Getting in the way of development work.

Given that I'd been made (scientific control environment) fearful of things that matter to me, and that the subject is my mother, and that I'm being targeted, as well;

I'd spoken on a few days, morning through night, as best as my mind could establish work logic productivity purpose to suit, 

I made some people the topic of subject at hand.

Given that sort of discourse,

It's been established that some people, perhaps had been establishing themselves, somewhat, as cannibals amongst a professionalism (of ethics, in work practice) expectation upon my life that is obviously strange, to consider.

* Redundant, (establishing), but that's how it came out, as far as I would, and do have "had attempted," as face-to-face interactions that've been established (*again, lol) as [as overseen], unsuccessfully kiosk-as-personae walk-up constituency that's most common of being claimed as such that would be that to deride, as having had never been established in life; of my mother, for example. Me, as well; fairly much, that they treat me as; claiming further defeats upon me to come, and a hopelessly to-be: unfulfilled American dream of all manners of positive nurturing environment in psychological backdrop that I'm allowed of myself, for the virtues that I'd been raised with, and corrected about, as that there'd been deprecations along the way, yet strange, that they'd attack my mother at her home, to be sure.

That being said, there are small and measurable gains to be made in development work for the sake and manner of establishing ethical small steps in dedication to finery in mannerisms and in etiquette. 

I'd been slated a bum, for various reasons I'd call less than more than they do, as far as words that I'd put it as, yet small steps to be taken; a long road in establishing virtue in purpose in life. 

These things signify aesthetics, authenticity, singularity, as well as developmental purpose in sustainability and progress.

Saturday, September 29

iPigeonKit iOS Apple iTunes App Store offerings for iPad that work well in developing an advertiser marketing persona content producer iBeacon [or aurally Beacon-esque imaginative takes on a tech and lifestyle arrête kit confīte; plus some discourse on associated technologies and ad hoc development possibilities, based on experience] : localized {remote sensing} (listening; speaking: environmental awareness identity development best practices)

All top cute list stuff aside, some people establish less than corporatism standard effective discourse in doing such things.

The considerably unprecedented lean, though, merits being discoursed in considerate relevant form; here: it goes down in written word form.

The issue in context, and some merits to its discussion: 

There's this guy, amongst a variant typology establishment of some limited scope basis of men; commonly, in spoken word, I'd say something like "all sorts of guys," but I've told this story before, and no one really squats on doing a valid dis-service to the standard masculinity expectations of common and standard men of stereotypical imaginative takes of at least: just about most everyone I grew up with has these stereotypical underpinnings; perhaps nothing: yet one time I fancied I smelled my lean on the floorboards so lean that I smelled smoke and I thought it had happened: I leaned that AF jaunteded on some development scrum process that merited my full-on and all for it attention, yet obviously, I would not lean quite so much to the detriment of my ionic liquid minerals heraldries supplementation regimen: to jaunt standard stereotypical admirable bum persona takes on that I'm a bum, most commonly, and I never used to lean like this, I'm sure, but this time [just once], I leaned so hard on the floorboards while I was doing an ad hoc USC dumpster trash-diving year-end for student apartments move-out special take on what might have otherwise been a standard bum recyclables dumpster dive take on "it's summer, it's hot;" various distractions from that I was simply collecting recyclables and then, there were especially finery dumpster leave-outs: [obviously, people moved out for the school year and they were trashing stuff in the dumpsters]. 

I've noted the Chinese medications previously here on blog article publications, and my coconut composting efforts with ionic minerals. 

That being said, I've worked out some various marketing slew speakership iconic-bumtastic classic bum jaunt persona basis stylizations of some of bums' lifestyle personas finest " [«  »] " quotables bums I could muster, while being at least one who could live to burgeon the blog as article write-up on top iOS App Store purchases for the audio side of what merits Apple's significant works and achievements in development: CoreAudio and some related technologies of the iOS mobile device platform potential: here, in field work ethnography and self-anthropological studies that I've done; ostensibly, if I was about wasting time more than development and establishing basis of what all this means, I'd ostensibly already addressed all of these issues, and this being in social media format: obviously, the lean so unprecedentedly smells like smoke somehow - might, in some form of naivete as could possibly play out, simply be somebody's insider Folklore to pass me through the story of just one more, whereas I'd be establishing an unserious typology basis of Top Level Domain website development of a .institute Blogger site.

I did that once, perhaps just last week or so.

That being said, I seemed to at least potentially also un-mic'ed, ad hoc, and constituently disparaging my obvious better purpose of remembering and relating to a readership audience: a better and less-depraved anecdote of what merits an iBeacon ad marketing basis; 

I'd say I'm obviously capable of evincing intelligence through written discourse. The preceding paragraph structure is so obviously of note. I've discussed [these] typologies previously.

SVG Unlimited
Adobe Draw
Creative Cloud
Adobe Concept
Okay, actually, I looked over the list, as I was preparing to sort out the simply audio-visual constituent apps, and I saw that I'd have to address various aspects of many of these other apps to really speak on empowering a valid speakership voice and capability in an ad hoc, as-needed person of the merits I've spoken on, for this blog article series basis of Top App Store iOS listings for witting and willing buyer client basis sorts of the Apple iTunes online content store, for which there is a significantly distracted and much-less advantaged long-term app-usage valuation type for a content media producer typology attainment goal in life; I've spent considerable hours in looking into jailbreaking iOS devices, and it's obviously something that people like to do, or they fall suggestible to doing so, whereas this is simply a better life to live: as I'm writing about.
Google Drive
Apple iOS Photos
iOS Accessibility
Acoustic Picture Transmit
Virtual ANS
Euclid's Book of the Elements I + III
Pret a Template
Molecule Design
Virtual Room 3D AU Audio Unit
Google Maps
Apple Maps
Ads and Analytics - YES! On! All of them okay!
Significant Locations
Adobe Captivate
Agile Tortoise - Phraseology
Meme-maker for iconic memes
Wells Fargo Bank
Map Area Calculator
Meta + Exif photos
Pro Shot + Perspective Fix
Cross DJ Pro
Licensed iTunes singles of your favicon songs! Perhaps futurebass mix 2 * and chill trap - YouTube for beats.

Latest post.

A peek at my room at the Russ Hotel.

  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts