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Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28

An artisanry aspiration - another homemade cheese.

As some of my longer-term readers would know, I had started an effort in making cheese around Christmas this past year, using eggnog.

May 7, 2019 · Learn a recipe for an all-seasons pigeon health supplement: pidgin cheese.

This time around, I'm attempting a more savory-layered cheese culture, with liquid malted milk, tapioca, for a starch, heavy whipping cream, and rennet. 

Here's the cheese as I originally had prepared it, in various layers. I had decided that I would let the layers stay still, instead of homogenizing the mixture, in order to investigate the effect of the rennet culture upon the various components of the cheese. 

Within a day, the layers had separated, and curds had formed in the layer of cream, at the top of the mixture.

Day 2 of the cheese-in-the-making. I took a taste of the top of the cheese, off of the lid, and it reminds me of a cream fraiche sort of mild and rich cultured cream, nearly a sour cream. Not very sweet at all. 

I let the cheese out on evenings so that it has alternating cold and cool environments for it to culture and form, without risking that it spoils, like I imagine it could, as a partly dairy cheese, and only a half-tablet of rennet, to begin with. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to separate the layers, or, perhaps, dig in to the bottom layers and take a taste of them, to see if they might be essential aspects of the final product; the malted milk liquid layer and tapioca, as starch, as experimental culinary adventurousness. I'll keep this blog post updated with the results.

Day 3:

I took a smell of the cheese, as I had left it out overnight, once again, and the layers had definitively separated well, and I knew that some of the product was waste from the microbial rennet culture. 

My new cheese bowl, after dumping the top layer and liquid middle layer out, over cheesecloth and mixing it all together. It had a sour smell, but when I mixed it with some honey bunch grain cereal, it made for a delightfully sweet and slightly tart morning dish. 

Compared to cottage cheese, which I had never tried before, because I had thought that it must taste gross (it doesn't, it just looks curdy):

Perhaps somewhat similar in taste, although my cheese was much more basic in ingredients. 

That was all! Just three days to a homemade cheese.

Saturday, May 11

Deal on now at Ralph's for pork loin, only $1.99 a pound.

I've got a great collection of spices and ingredients from a move-out trash dive at one of my pidginHub Landings - an alley behind the SB buildings on 6th at Spring.

It's an Indian sub-continent array of flavors; 

I'm going to cook up this pork loin on a slow roast: 200-275 or so, for several hours. 

A delicious large pork loin (spare ribs) from Downtown Los Angeles Ralph's.

The main theme of the flavor will be a coconut milk wasabi sweetened soy sauce, with a slight curry aspect about it.

This dish should prove to be a very delicious mildly sweet meat, good with white rice.


Too soon, but first, too bad. The preheated oven was dialed down upon smelling the dish cook. Then I set the temperature in the oven to near-broil. After about 30 minutes, or so, I have a succulent and tender white meat - placed meat-side down to soak in the liquid broth - it's a good mixture, tasty and healthful, with bone marrow liquids seeping out of the bones and in to the broth.

I cooked the first slab a bit quick, on accident. This pork loin was cooked near broiling for about 30 minutes. The marrow is bloody, still, and it's seeping out. 
Having lifted and inspected what I'd been working on, for the dish, I realized that I would single-handedly be able to finish two racks of pork loin before it goes bad, so I got the second one out of the fridge to cook it.

A vertical view of the bone marrow juices as I throw on another slab of ribs in to the pan

Smouldering (smoke flavor) in ovens - using corn husks.
I lit a corn husk and let it smoulder inside of the oven to give this pork rib recipe some authentic smoke flavor.

Mmm... Nice and juicy pork chops with rice.

Thin slices off of the large rack.

The two racks of ribs stayed well in the fridge, (and still juicy) for 5 days. I just finished the meat, now I have bones for pork marrow soup.

Tuesday, May 7

Preparing the pigeons' feed for the day - Peanut Butter and Jelly Pidgin Cheese Sandwiches.

Pidgin Cheese? 

One might wonder...

What does pidgin cheese taste like?

This cheese, which I'd been preparing since late Fall, 2018, is a warming, savory, salty and sweet, all-in-one ad-hoc condiment complimentary to grain and dairy dishes, such as plain corn flakes cereal, yogurt and granola, or something similar. 

I became fascinated with the advent of Whole Foods DTLA offering rennet, for cheese; having been a former "cheesez of Europe" aficionado as a consumer in years prior.

Come to think of it, actually, the discovery came in the summer, when I procured the rennet first of all, and I created a pigeon guano moldy butter cheese that smelled fantastically like Cheez-its. This second go-round with cheese came possibly around Halloween, when Ralph's started offering eggnog. I felt it was a good base to start a cheese on, and months later, after letting the culture sit out warm, sealed(-ish), and raw, I decided to turn it in to a custard cheese, to continue.

I added about a dozen egg yolks, (possibly more), and some fresh rolled red peppercorns, yellow and black mustard seeds. Then I boiled the mixture lightly, not yet solidified, but I added red icing topping for cakes to the mixture, and pink Himalayan salt, 8-10 ounces. It turned out a significantly salty cheese concentrate.

The custatd cheese salty-sweet admixture proved to be an excellent topical skin care product, as well as good for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches soaked in milk.

I gave some to the pigeons, as well.

Try it out! 🦉🐔🏆🍽️


Wednesday, August 29

Yesterday's quick roundup of tried-and-true tobacco curing tips and as-of-yet [I've not tried them] notable suggestions for a finer cured tobacco (post-retail, loose leaf, etc.)

Pictured is the tiny batch Gucci container I used to make an aside special try about for my first quick minutes oven aromatics oxalic acids fibrous juicer leftovers: confīte, atop hand-mashed [a bit] grapefruit quarters, reasonably well-medium fine balsamic vinegar in glass; there was cheese, perhaps, in a wetted sock (dirty, worn), some fragrant lip balm, better than petrolatum-based (on the organic side), a noteworthy tone-bearing plastic trinket (beacon, for slight transmission of a theoretical slight amplification of sound and particle wavelengths within a bellows box iOS device box confīte, topped with some slight brown sugar, plain brown sugar.

The Gucci box selection was wrapped with Farmer John's standard 8 pack breakfast sausage wrapper, unwashed. It was an attractive confīte box with my small box AirPods trash find containing the main tobacco store to be infused with the aromatics vinegar oxalic acids sugar confīte, and I had a fine cigar, smoked well enough to be rich, by this time, included in the box. I believe I put some allergy medicine in there; Claritin, for some unknown and fanciful belief of that it would impart a hypoallergenic or perhaps something somewhat useful chemistry BAM! about the reaction. There was pigein guano either inside or outside the box, perhaps in a custard dish ceramic thing, probably moist, or maybe not.

I closed the confīte box and turned the oven on, about 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and I used the restroom, or something like that.

[Did I blow meth smoke into it?] This would have been long into the time in which I had swore off smoking meth, but it may have been that literal bit of a set of days for a week, and then no more again, and I broke the glass pipe. I suppose that event happened twice, perhaps over a couple of weeks. Relevant? Hopefully not, I don't encourage smoking meth:definitely, and in general, it's a problem presentable as for a person who uses, of any sort.

Try it without any meth invokved, but for features' sake, it may have happened like that, for this batch. It was enjoyable consumed tobacco.

Within that somewhat reading span of length of time, the oven had a notable presence into the main living room where I was, and it would be so weird if it ventured through the walls and the neighbors could feel it also, so I rushed over and removed the box, placed it under and within a cashmere sweater, [is the cashmere thing truly radiation ionic blam! Insulating the blam! instead? I would say yes, but I have a thing for cashmere sweaters and sweating it out, or staying warm, and it does have a particular sort of insular characteristic. Perhaps ... I dunno. Maybe wool would work, but definitely cashmere.

It looked nice enough to eat: the grapefruit balsamic sweet beets confīte array, but I was [for sure] definitely on meth, to speak of, at all, at the time, and the near blam! expansiveness was an exciting moment. I felt like the tobacco must be infused with so much pigeon trinket sidewalk searching finesse, and some Françoise considerable distinction about it. It didn't disappoint, and the Gucci box portion was particularly resinous and rich, with a slight bit of pork sausage flavor about it.

I had, aside from this, also [prior to everything, first of all], had a popped open coconut of some sort, perhaps something, but it definitely was somewhat going to vinegar-alcohol-ish fermentation at this point, in the same kitchen. Were the coconut electrolytes of the coconut water and fat fermentation thing something... Like I had done something with it prior to that? I dunno. Maybe I just opened it and left it out, and it started going to vinegar.

I cooked French onion soup some time recently prior to this, maybe the night before. There was rotting food in the kitchen.

The suggestions for moving forward, beyond whats been established:

Milk chocolate somewhat characteristic impart to the tobacco, for a less fiery burn.

There was something else, perhaps...

Aside from that, I have less experimental and eccentric air-cured process ionic mineral arrête sort of transhydraulysis stuff, maybe the chocolate concept would be okay cooked in, or sprayed on, or something, and stuff with extracted oils and toying with the adsorbent nature of doing something [somehow], but I'll read up on it at that time. I've been collecting cardboard long tube "flues," and I definitely can't run a smoke house in here, it's a studio apartment, plus I don't smoke inside [nearly always].

People along my walking path have been generous with leaving out tobacco of cigarillo packets, and I tend to desire cigarettes less.

The main concept of the post-retail confīte oven curing thing:

Was that the fine cigar, once smoked down, would impart, and perhaps ad hoc fluff up, and via the aromatics confīte:given the vacuum bellows box concept: suck in the mineral solids of the pigeon guano aside and fluff up a quick oven up fluff of some concept of a tobacco bale curing ammonia somewhat concept, at least just maybe somewhat ammonia something, and then something about the arrangement and suction or moistness, and the tone bearing trinket thing was supposed to easily enough, end up perhaps [maybe not easily, but I thought it might] simply bam up some unscraped nicotine out of what was of the confīte box and tobacco in it, well enough to make it better tobacco.

It was really good tobacco, actually :)

Thursday, July 26

Compto-prot-orthogphiware, via alternate charsets, through Standards of Common Commons.

Functional Design serves not only to serve, but to do nothing at all, really, just done.
A spark of an idea-tomographical leximême photograph of what purports to set out to be a monograph, one for this gig-morning:productivity - competence mockup of some stuff that will power some thrust, perhaps.
1st one-off idea-note-taken:

HardwáreProç'e'čràp bin«ª»ríêt pigęonne sçhweak   HardwareParce to the byte-lengthnqjqjqjqjqj machine binary logoarioctet numerical rhythm, as an attentuated expansion/ compression

Based on some ingress about using "licensed" webpost derivative squat-pwning locality-empowered malicious neglected people, who appear amidst à vast anti-productions-enterprise publications arrête, like I dont notice non-un-standard individuals-behavior: nothing of note. People are playing the "something's srsly:[leave:ignore:lecture] they play off of standard Common psychologies and valid équitable social guilt standards - no bumAF jaunts on the sidewalks, imaginably, for garbage, clothes, and recyclables.

Pretty weird stuff, pwning the streets scène and subaural à rawrr-rawrr... sçhweaky schqueaky... with à hot telescoping broadway street-surfaces-amplitude pwn of «at minimum, me». People around me aren't very standard, either, of the fluff-triste transient-stalker crisis-actors of ruining the climate of the windy corridor main functional positioning azimuté strange inconstituency of somehow, particularly hot in this area.

It's unseasonably trash-laden in the streets, and the pwn kiosk drive-up société is jaunting hip-hop tracks.

Thèse were some sources that held some insight and entreaty into developing à reasonably Euclidean-spheres various-harmonic relations-parallel-scripting-parse language breakout arrête, perhaps for an ambient side-loaded accessibility-features novelty processing kit for partite-confīte splotch - of an arbitrarily pwn status jaunt street-living-room mix demographic; it's pretty vulgar, and I hear awful travesties-dramatics in various onsets constantly throughout the day.

That, some schema dot org stuff, some microformats stuff, some claims on strange underlying psychologies of the someone involved in getting the re-pub stuff up;

My général take is that if it's Common to any degree, I'll come upon the source as relied-upon needs-to matériel, and then I'll leave it again, since it's not un-standard-no:it's not standard psychology.

Notebook working on a visual-design quatrærtholgmo»omot‹alg«or»g.9řc≥tet byte loading machine language parsing aesthetics standard source material breakout-arrays.

The concept is simple enough. I have a slow I/O data connections on my device, and I Can read and functionally take in signifiant contributions of non-volatile web-standards sites, but then, if only the site would also jaunt side-loading parallèle iPigeon jaunt leisure aside pop-ups, to mimick being even slightly jauntededAF'ed... a bit more better than shitsicles triste incursion of à late-heraldry dept. Of public affairs-socioalètrivsisselesmonts, which happened to be a trying 25 days or so, much of which was better off in that it was a trash dumpster years-end move outs-academiesiaetiques of the recyclables-bum coverage area, which I've been looking and feeling alright to jaunt-triste alley-trash dumpster diving-bum, yet it doesn't get weird, from my volatility profile fluff. Other bums walk on the same streets, why not a garbage recycler clothing enthusiast tech life style blogger standard fluffboy academic dégrée and à load-bearing bum profile kit? Pretty standard to dig through the trash, yet a non-domesticated variety bum. 

Chère were tons of Asian .pharma ad hoc OTCs and some prescribables; tricyclical anti-depressants, and I'm not for fluffing pharma nitro butyri smokin' "meh," ... Smoking is tobacco and cigars. An un-justified jaunt-inclusive Nabisco diet triste would be okay; they're 1:2:3 biscuité compagnie nationelle in a card box; supposedly:« !...whatever ... »

I call the ingress monolithiques-historic Nabisco-socialite-bifték bonne déjeuner for a sçhweaky peut-être commentaire on the bleeding of gums, méat bits in the teeth, some fleas-smellin' piss, leanAF diet on tech rotary codices in a filthy outdoors environment, and then the window-to-street ratio is so not Guy who did it himself kind of fluff-triste animal cruelty thing, and it smells like it, as Well, outside. 

I'm going to follow up GTD on my tobacco curing crop Summer gardening project, and purchase ionic minerals, gallon of milk, then perhaps [or before], workup some mockup linguistics soundex homologies of charset standards of validly jaunt-loading bif-coto-proteries-schqueaf-schqueaf, à rawr râ rawrr.. then I have to encode the resonant-spinners-toy district jaunt to do a makeshift pigeon ciconne-pipe-machine organ, made of spinners, instead, maybe. 

I have some more un-published blog notebook article to upload, after this one.

Thursday, July 19

Homesteading pigeon guano as fertilizer for an upcoming cigar tobacco planting and curing cottage industry enterprise for the .institute

I picked up some reading material at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Library Branch; (Google Maps)

Regarding tobacco:

Most of the books there on tobacco cultivation and curing (few in number, yet undoubtedly rich in information), are labeled "R" in the call number, for "Reference," [meaning that they are somewhat valuable and rare titles meant for study and 'reference' explicitly at the library branch where the book is found].

That being said, I had limited spree in diving into my latest iPigeon research and homesteading project: growing a baby pigeon'ed vintage tobacco crop and curing au petít vintägé: a fine cigar tobacco, perhaps years in the making.

There are some lots nearby with empty land, and one of them is definitely a community garden lot. There's a spot on my side of the street that's as of yet gone to weeds and dry hay in between a large home and a church that seems a reasonable aspiration if I talk up the neighbors about it and see what they think. I have a shovel that's been left outside my place here, perhaps it's a serendipitous sign.

I've got to work on homesteading my seller's positioning to pitch the idea to the relevant parties, and I've just yesterday finally fixed my General Relief social welfare benefit money of $221 per month that I receive. I'm planning on making a trip out to a
<<[somewhere]; (a place around greater Los Angeles that retails a fine strain of cigar-leaf tobacco)>> 

  1. gardening shop so I can purchase seeds. 
  2. Whole Foods [undecided, as to "about which one... (?)]. Does the implicit worth of the general periphery and locality of the source of stocked retail ionic minerals play into the as-purchased consumer's worth and value commodity's gain in ionic mineral content?
I've got some celebrant commodity and some dilemma in my homesteading and self-initiative civic care of the local pigeon flock: I've located the roosting de facto (Google Maps) of the local sitting herd pride of pigeons: localized to my couple-of-blocks-proximity. 
  •  I've spotted several dead pigeons recently around the local area. I tried to take some in to preserve them; I found that doing so invites a bevy of unheralded concerns and heaps of responsibility: properly caring for the deceased, and preserving a specimen for taxidermic interest. It's a novel and interest-aside pursuit of where-energies-investigative-research and development claims-investments ought currently be attributable, best practices of a .institute homesteading ad hoc development arc in mind. Perhaps some other time. ([Future link to:] expand on the subject).
  • I hopped the fence onto state property (mea culpa [attr.]) and gathered 4 plastic grocery bags of pigeon guano and shallow underlying dirt. Subsequently, I underwent an acute onslaught of parasitic interest in me, perhaps of significance in delimiting the bounds and extents for within [maintaining par relevance: bounds-pigeons-pertains]: perhaps an insight into how and why so many pigeons are turning up dead locally, so commonly, recently. 
  • I surmised that the pigeon guano (droppings) were a multi-foray crisis to the birds, and to the local area, in general (in human toll). It turns out that pigeon guano has some special considerations, as might any raw material resource / fertilizer-from-scratch. Hordes of mosquitos hounded me for days, and the pestilence definitely put me under as goes for an as-if-anything: so au jour and about town take on conquering the day for several days this past week. Luckily I had my cache of pharma-curative products and luxe accoutrements of toiletries, etc. from the post-year-end USC student apartment dumpster dive foray of a week or two ago (link). The crux of the situation is that the droppings were plentiful, they're rich in mineral raw materials-resource, and it's a science-bounds-it-is <<it-all>> such that the material merits realized and implemented safe handling and storage procedures. ([Link: recipe - home project try-out of an {aromatics: electrolytics-sugars: oxalic acid: plant-and-animal fats: balsamic (wine alcohol, grape must) vinegar: pigeon guano: and salts} slight au jour quant aux données à prendre d'hommes parisienne bonnes des oeuvríer sur les faut cuisinaire provençale:
From Google Translate:
- as to the data to be taken from Parisian men good to work on the needs of Provençal cooking

I'll work on fleshing out the unpublished article-blog content shortly.

  • More on the uses and cautions involved in working with pigeon guano, at forums. 

Saturday, July 7

A truly iPigeon Favorite: caramelized candied French Onion Soup

I've made it a common destination for my new apartment home cooking nights to do the classic French dish: French Onion Soup, to the nines. It's simple enough for the making; and it suits practically all conceivable tastebuds to come.

The general context is that making French onion soup is somewhat similar to making burnt onion soup, but you'll be disappointed if you don't baby the process and look over the creation of this luxe delicacy.

The ingredients:

Red Onions
Balsamic Vinegar

White Pepper (ground)

Mozzarella Cheese

First skin and chop the onions into perhaps 1 inch or so squares. The onions are going to be the meat of the meal, so they shouldn't be chopped too small. Given that the dish is squarely onions, and therefore a vegetarian dish, it's slightly deceptive in how rich and filling the soup actually turns out to be, once it's done. The caramelization process puts a lot of heat through the onions, and the process of cooking them properly is a labor of love. You'll need to steam the onions, saute them, stir them, and lightly burnish them with the caramelized balsamic vinegar, all things at once. Don't leave the pot or pan sitting by itself for very long, and you can vary the temperature within reason; we're cooking with butter, so remember, don't turn the heat up to high at all, or for very long, if at all.

You'll definitely know when you've got caramelized French onions for soup in your pot. Feel free to taste the onions as you go so as to see just how candied and caramelized they are; surely the rich aromas of the cooking utensils have aroused your taste buds and stirred your belly into hungry mode. It will take perhaps 45 minutes to an hour to properly caramelize onions. It's worthwhile to use perhaps 5 onions to start, and to have several bowls of French onion soup at your disposal. The onions do well, also, in chili and beans. I like them by  themselves, somewhat as candy, as well. They're a versatile treat.

Traditional French onion soup is served with bread, butter, and cheese atop the bowl of soup; it's a rich and flavorful treat that delights the senses. I used bread and butter with cheese, aside, by the slice, for dipping, in this instance. Just as well. Don't forget the seasonings! Throw them in in the last minutes of cooking so that they're not used up by the time the dish gets served.

Latest post. Local Botanical Item Spotlights - Mitica brand honeycomb, from Gelson's.

  One of my more recent fragrance fascinations was with the raw material, the honeycomb. I'd once had a great sample of Beeswax Absolute...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts